chap. 27 (a sacrifice)

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chap. 27 - a sacrifice


Explosions continued in the background, but I was too preoccupied in patching myself up to watch. Carne helped in bringing me some bandages and the like to speed things up. But my condition was worsening. With the continued loss of blood, and the poisonous gas running in my system, it would be a matter of time before I black out...and never wake up again.

"I win!" I heard Luffy shout.

I looked to see that he was high up in the sky, along with the don, who now had his armor shattered into a million pieces.

I was about to rejoice when the don shouted, "You wish, you damn brat!" and trapped Luffy in an iron net.

They continued to free-fall towards the sea with nothing to break their fall. Just as I was about to jump off the balcony and try to get Luffy, he delivered the final blow onto the don. With a shout and a sickening crunch, the don hit the platform with extreme force.

The rest jumped up in glee, but I saw that Luffy was still trapped in the net. There was a loud splash, and I saw the end of the net vanish into the sea.

That idiot can't swim! I have to get him!

I stood up with weak legs, and walked down the stairs towards Sanji and the Old Man. Removing the bandanna on my head, my boots, and sling bag, I made my way to the edge of the platform.

"Oi, waitress! What are you doing!" Sanji exclaimed. "You shouldn't even be walking!"

"I have to get him! Luffy can't be in the sea!" I shouted back at him.

Without hesitation, I jumped into the deep blue sea.

It started to get darker as I ventured deeper. There were debris everywhere, and I tried my best to avoid them. I have a limited supply of oxygen so I must make this quick.

If I form an air-helmet, I will be brought back up to the surface because all bubbles go up. I'm not strong enough to counteract that force as of now.

But doesn't matter if I can't swim since my goal is just to find Luffy though. If I'm just dead-weight, it will be to my advantage for all I have to do is move forward.

Something gleamed right below me, and I squinted my eyes to see that it was the spherical objects connected to the iron net Luffy was in. I made my way to him, who was knocked out unconscious.

The net was all tangled up, making it difficult for me to get Luffy out. I tugged on the net, and it started to become lose. I coughed; bubbles and blood came out immediately.

I'm running out of time.

Out of nowhere, another figure appeared beside me. I was about to attack, but I noticed that they were also untangling the net. Still not letting my guard down, the mysterious new-comer and I dragged Luffy's body out.

Then, everything started to get blurry. My eyelids started to close, my body slumping on the part of the boat I was standing on. The new-comer shouted something, but it was inaudible since we were under water.

I can't die now. If I could just get Luffy to the surface, everything's going to be fine.

With the last of my strength, I created a giant ball of air that will take us back up to the restaurant. The new-comer wrapped their arm around my torso, bringing me along with them and Luffy.

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