ch. 4 (pink-haired boy)

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ch.4 - pink-haired boy


10 years later

"Ah...the weather is sure nice today! Don't you think so, Keira?" I just nodded at him. He was rowing the boat—even though we have no clear destination yet—and I was just leaning against the barrel in between us, looking at nothing in particular. After much pleading and begging Luffy to bring a barrel with us, I feel much safer knowing we have a back up boat if things will go south.

"It would be better if that damned monster showed up just right about now. I can't wait to see you punch the daylights out of it," I snickered. I adjusted my blue headband, which is actually Shanks' handkerchief that was tied around my forehead and ruffled through my now long hair. My fingers trailed along the beads that were braided on my hair as I stared at the sky.

"How long do we have to wait for that stupi-" I was cut short as the monster that we have been waiting for emerged out of the waters in all its glory. Its eyes squinted, growled and gave us a menacing look.

"We've been waiting for you, sea monster!" Luffy said with a grin. "This is your unlucky day! I'll show you what I've learned in the past ten years!" The monster once again bared its teeth at us as Luffy prepared his stance for his attack.

"Rubber...Pistol!!" he then punched the monster with the help of his devil fruit ability, allowing his arm to stretch to further increase the power of his punch. The said monster fell back into the waters as Luffy laughed in victory.

"Nice one, Luffy! " I cheered him on as he said, "How'd that taste? Stupid fish!" I shook my head and chuckled at him.

"So the first thing we need to do is to find us some friends."


"What?" he looked at me in confusion as he sat down onto his seat, facing me this time.

"Let me just get my notebook so I can write that down," I said as I rummaged through my sling bag for a notebook and a pencil.

"What for?"

"Think of it as our first entry in your quest to become the King of Pirates," I told him as I flipped the notebook open on a clean page and started writing down what he just said.

"Oh, I get it! Well then! We'll look for some friends, probably at least 10 people." I hummed in response to tell him to continue. "And then we'll make a flag!"

"Wait, flag? Luffy, you and I both know that you can't draw -- even if it's to save your life," I mocked as I sniggered at him. He just pouted at me with sad eyes before bursting into laughter.

I laughed along with him as I closed my notebook. "Well then! Let's go make you the King of Pirates!"


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