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I couldn’t say no to her innocent eyes. So I left her there and made my way to the village.

A man in his mid- 20′s saw me enter and he called,”we have a man in our village.”

And the entire village came with swords and fire raging towards me. Boy! I felt I was about to die and then Faith came running along from behind me and then the people stopped. A man from far behind saw me and he didn’t have any sort of tool in his hand to kill me with. A man from the crowd questioned,

“Who are you? Why are you here? Who is this lady?”

And before I could answer anything, the unarmed man came forward and said, “People of the village. This is my cousin and this is his wife, he has come to visit me. He means no harm.”

And soon everyone left the area. Faith was still behind me, hiding from the people.

“Who are you?” I asked. “Why did you lie to the people?”

“Come with me sir.” He said.

He seemed smart and educated yet he was very calm unlike the others. He took us to a small house, which would probably be his. He closed all the windows, doors and even the curtains.

“I saw you come from the Zedlar wood, people over here think coming from those woods means a bad luck for our village and they wouldn’t have let you live a little longer if I hadn’t lied.”

“Why is bad luck?”

“Its a mystical wood, we don’t see those woods always. All the paths only open when its full moon and after that the paths close. If you have come here then its only because last night was the first full moon. The paths will stay open for the next four days and we have to wait until the next full moon if you want to return.”

That makes sense, the night I walked in might have been the last full moon and after that this is the full moon and I bet Faith was lost here when it was a full moon too.

“Thank you so much sir for saving us. Is there anyone who would tell us how we could get back to the place we had come from?”

“We have this lady here, the village people thinks she’s mad because she talks about things. She might be able to help.”

“Can we meet her now?”

“I’m sorry but not now, if anyone from the village see’s us, we might be killed. We can visit her after sun set.”

“What do you suggest we do until then?”

“You’ll be my cousin and she’ll stay your wife, you both will be my guest. If that old lady can’t help you out, you have to work here and find yourself a place to live.”

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