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i'll be your reason- illenium

This would be my umpteenth time moving to a new town. It's been so long I can't remember how many times I even moved. I would say maybe over 50 times, but I could care less.

One of the reasons as to why I move every decade is because of my aging. I don't age. I've been seventeen for the past 152 years. Staying in one place for too long would cause a commotion on those who pay too close of attention to me.

I arrived in Beacon Hills on Sunday, two days ago. I didn't really want to meet any neighbors and I didn't want to go to school the following Monday. So, I stayed inside for the those days and unpacked and decorated. I enrolled myself into Beacon Hills High School that Sunday, and didn't show up the next day.

I convinced the principal I was still tired from moving into town and unpacking my belongings. It's not like I don't have a guardian to make everything seem believable to the humans, because I do.

I have an older "brother". Our story is rather tragic. Our parents were insane. They were so psychotic that they killed each other in front of us. Ever since then we were put in an orphanage until my dear brother, Fynn Quentin (Paxton), was of age and he adopted me soon after he bought a stable home, got a real job, and all.

It's amazing how people believe such a ridiculous story. Though, I'd rather them believe that than what actually happened. That story shall be saved for another time.

I zoned out while sitting in AP History. Everything this teacher, Mr. Yukimura, was teaching the class I've learned already. There was no need for me to hear it again. I wanted to live in Beacon Hills as an adult and not some flimsy awkward hormonal teenage boy, but Flynn said otherwise.

He told me if I wanted to keep this image up and actually find the love of my life (Gag) I'd have to act like a real teenager for once and not some old grandpa that fought in war in the 1800s.

Though, I didn't feel old and wrinkly with the majority of these females staring at me every chance they received. It was like I was the new play toy in this school. It all began this morning the moment I stepped away from my car. They were glancing and gazing ready to fight each other because they called "dibs" first. Whatever that meant.

At times I have managed to avoid the hormonal teenage girls and other times I found myself trapped in a corner of the school being questioned about where I was from, what kind of cologne do I use, and if I was down for a threesome or not.

It was pure torture. I was actually shouting for joy in my head when I was able to slip away.

"Mr. Quentin, can you tell me what play Lincoln was watching the night he was assassinated?" Mr. Yukimura announced from his desk.

I sat up straight as I fidgeted with my pencil. I was seated at the very back where no one, and I mean the girls, would notice that I'm here. Now that Mr. Yukimura has put me on blast the stares and daydreams were just rolling in.

"President Abraham Lincoln was watching 'Our American Cousin' that night he was assassinated, sir."

Telling by his green aura that projected around him, Mr. Yukimura seemed so happy.

"A+, Mr. Quentin. Well done. I wish all of my class were more like you." He glared at some of the students in the room making them feel a little embarrassed. One by one their auras were turning purple. Some quicker than others.

"Miss Martin, what saved Grant from being assassinated?"

"Easy, Grant took the box car to Philadelphia instead of going to Ford's Theater." She spoke.

Her voice was like music to my ears. So soft and confident. How did I not notice her before?

"That would be correct. A+ for you as well. Class please take note of what Mr. Quentin and Miss Martin did. It's called studying."

The girl, the strawberry blonde, turned back in her seat, her eyes falling align with mine

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The girl, the strawberry blonde, turned back in her seat, her eyes falling align with mine. I gave her a small smile and she immediately returned the favor, causing my cold heart to skip a beat. I felt my body heat up in anticipation from wanting to know this girl's name.

Suddenly the bell rang causing us to break that gaze. My heart was hurting.

"Remember we do have a quiz tomorrow. Study, study, study." Mr. Yukimura announced as every student piled out of the classroom.

I quickly grabbed my textbook and notebook and headed for the door, but when I got out there she was no where to be seen.


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