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trust issues-justin bieber

My bloodlust was becoming harder to control. The different scents that projected from every human I passed made me weak. If I stayed in school a minute longer I'd snap. I somehow managed to not drink a blood bag this morning and my body was just unable to handle waiting until lunch to jet out of here.

"Mr. Yukimura, can I please go to the restroom?"

Mr. Yukimura simply nodded and returned to writing on the board. I silently thanked him and rushed out of the classroom leaving my book sack behind. I had already taken my quiz for him, so there was no need to keep me in there.

Others were still testing excluding Lydia. She was the second to finish her quiz. I needed to head home quick before I lashed out on someone. I dug in my pocket for my car keys, but they weren't there. I cursed myself for being so irresponsible. I left my keys sitting in my book sack. It's an old habit of mine.

I would run all the way home, but with my low energy level I'd never make it. I mentally shot myself for being so stupid. The only option I had left was to go into the woods find a deer or something to snack on until I can get home.

I've only ever sucked the blood of an animal once, and that was when I living with my best friend, Alfred, back in the 1900s. Oh how I miss his wittiness and sarcastic tone. I sped into the woods running into a tree while doing so. It didn't hurt, but it did knock me flat on my butt.

Immediately the intoxicating smell of a deer filled my nose. It made my throat burn in thirst. As I slowly got up I could feel the black veins around my eyes appear and my fangs pop out. The deer was minding it's own business as it sniffed the grass and peacefully walked past the dozen of trees.

"I am sorry."

Without any further distractions I sped inhumanly towards the deer and sunk my teeth into its neck. It did struggle to get away from me, but it was too late. The deer lied completely limp after I was finished drinking its blood. It wasn't as delicious as human blood, but it would indeed last me the rest of the day.

Though I was far from the school, I heard the bell ring signaling it was lunch time. I sped back to school and halted behind the row of yellow buses. If anything I should know about being a vampire for over 100 years is that you always have to check your surroundings to make sure no one's around to see you...act out.

I slowly walked from behind the buses to see the court yard filled up with hungry students sitting down enjoying their free time.

"Tate, there you are. Lydia and I have been looking for you everywh-" Malia came from around the corner with a smile, but that immediately faltered as she began to sniff me.

"Why do you smell like deer blood." She asked frantically.

I shushed her before leading her back behind the buses. "How do you know what deer blood smells like?"

Malia simply shrugged her shoulders as she looked up at me with her cute brown eyes. "Deer is my favorite."

She's inhuman. There's no way a mortal would've been able to smell the blood on me me identify what specific animal's blood it was.



"What are you?"

"I don't think I should tell you that right away. Considering what you could possibly be, I think I should keep my secret to myself until you tell what you are."

I sighed leaning up against the school bus. She's being difficult for no apparent reason. It's not every day you run into another supernatural being. For me it's very rare. I used to live with humans and feed off of them as well. It only happens when I compelled them.

I'd never compel Malia into making her tell me what she is. That's not a friendly thing to do. If I want to keep my friends I have to teens in faithful and reliable. If things remain well between Malia and I maybe she could even be my female Alfred.

"If I tell you, you can't tell anyone else, and that includes Lydia. God forbids what'll happen if she finds out what kind of monster I am."

Malia sent me a sympathetic smile as she clutched her bookbag. "She would never see you as a monster, Tate. Lydia basically adores you and you haven't even been here for an entire week."

My heart fluttered at the sound of Lydia adoring me. Me? Thaddeus 'Tate' Quentin. Of all people the strawberry blonde is fond of me. I feel special.

"Now, spill the tea. What are you, Tate Quentin."

I searched around making sure no one was watching and sure enough no one was on this side. I grabbed Malia by the waist and inhumanly sped out to the Lacrosse field I heard so much about from Coach Finnstock. Malia seemed to be a little bit baffled by my speed and fell to the grassy ground with her hair all over her head.

"Don't tell me you're a-" I nodded cutting her off.

"Yes, Malia, I'm a vampire."

A smile slowly broke out on her face as she used her hands to fix her hair back into place.

A smile slowly broke out on her face as she used her hands to fix her hair back into place

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"I am so telling Lydia."

Venomous Cure • Lydia Martin [complete]Where stories live. Discover now