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The funeral was yesterday. Mr. Quentin wanted him to be buried next to his mother and half brother back in New Orleans. All who knew Tate Quentin went to his ceremony. Yet a again the pack had lost another great spirit. Now they may add onto the list.


It was tragic how he left this place, but he was happy now. He didn't lie when he said he was going to die happy. He found the one who fixed his broken heart. That was his dying wish, and it came true.

It was Monday and it was time for the gang to head back to school. After the funeral The Quentin Coven decided Beacon Hills wasn't the place for them. So they left heading for Mystic Falls. They did inform their old friends what's been up and what happened to dear Thaddeus.

Katherine Pierce took it hard. Her humanity was turned back on after hearing what happened to her first real love. He was dead, and she never got a chance to say goodbye. The Salvatore Brothers were also in grief of the lost of a friend they never knew was still out there.

Rebekah Mikaelson was indeed infuriated. She blamed herself for driving him away. For falling too fast for him. If weren't for her he'd still be here in Mystic Falls living his life as he please.

Back in Beacon Hills everything seemed normal. To Lydia it felt like she was in hell. She hadn't stopped grieving over Thaddeus and doesn't think she ever will.  Out of every guy she's ever dated Tate was the only one to make her feel so loved. Now that's gone.

On her way to her locker all she heard were whispers and felt the stares on her. Though, she couldn't hear exactly what they were saying she knew it wasn't nice. If Thaddeus was here right now he's be able to hear exactly what they were saying.

"It's like every guy she ends up with leaves her."

"Either moves away or dies."

"It's sad when you think about it."


The bell rung and the halls quickly cleared leaving Lydia at her locker, still in a daze. She wanted to go home and cry all day and night. She opened her locker only to have a piece of paper fall out of it. Slowly she bent down to retrieve it.

"I wonder..." She whispers to herself.

There it was. His penmanship all across the page, which caused a tear to slip from her eyes.

To My Dearest Princess Lydia

She opened it and read.

Dear Lyds,

If you are reading this than that means I am no longer with you on this earth. I knew something like this was going to happen. I just had this feeling something was going to ruin my luck.

I planted this note in your locker the night Alfred and I were saved by Derek, Peter, and Sheriff Stilinski.

I don't want you to think this is all your fault because it's not, my love. It was only fate doing its job. I found you and that's all I could ever thank them for. They gave me a second chance to find love, and I did. I found you.

When you get older and find someone like me you'll get married and have beautiful kids together, and you'll be happy. I don't want my princess to live on blaming herself for something she wasn't able to control.

Since I wasn't able to make you my Queen, I know for a fact someone else will. No doubt about it. Take another look in your locker.

Lydia did as the paper instructed. There she found a small red box. She looked back at the paper.

Open it.

And so she did to reveal the most beautiful ring in the world.

And so she did to reveal the most beautiful ring in the world

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I want you to wear it as reminder of me. I bought this ring back in the 1800s and kept it with me ever since. I'm glad that I kept it, because I was going to purpose to you the moment we graduated together. This ring is now yours to keep forever.

Now, get to class, love. Graduate, go to college, get a degree, and live life to the fullest. That's what I did, and you should too

While I'm cleaning my soul I don't want to find out you're not living your life because I will have a witch bring me back so I can knock some sense into you. I'm serious. Don't laugh.

Lydia took a moment to giggle to herself. He knew her too well.

Remember that this is not the end, Lydia. This is never the end.

I love you.

"Always?" She whispered to herself as small smile crept upon her face.

"Always?" She whispered to herself as small smile crept upon her face

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-Thaddeus 'Tate' Quentin

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-Thaddeus 'Tate' Quentin

That's when she knew he'd always be with her even if he wasn't.


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