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marvin's room-drake
(schlomo thru tha floor remixed )

warning: this chapter will have sexual content, so if you don't like that type of stuff then please skip through it.

Lydia instructed me on what to put out for the party and what to play on the stereo. Though, after a good hour into the party the freshmen were in control. For the time being I hung out by in the kitchen trying to ignore the lustful stares and glances from the freshmen girls.

I just don't understand. Why do these females have to be so...horny now a days. Back in my day women actually respected themselves and waited until they found the right and married them before they even thought about having sex.

Was it because of explicit movies and songs that made these kids the way they are today? If so, what a shame.

"Tate, there you are." Kira panted as she rushed up to me.

"Is everything alright?"

Kira shook her head as she gave me a worried look. "It's Lydia. She's upstairs. She's zoned out and keeps repeating your name."

Without any further questions I sprinted away as I pushed through the crowd of wild 14-15 year olds. As I was approaching upstairs I inhumanly sped to where I smelt Lydia's sweet scent. I huffed before slowly opening the door.



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I shut the door behind me and the room was so silent. Like it was... soundproof. I steadily made my way towards Lydia. She was facing the wall just staring, and she was repeating my name.


"Lydia, are you okay?"


I grabbed her shoulders and spun her around. She staring into space as her lips continued to move speaking my name. I was worried. What was happening?

"Look at me Lydia." I instructed as my hands were placed on each side of her cheeks.


"Look at me. I'm right here."


I froze. I never told her or anyone my real name. Only my immediate family, Flynn, and Alfred knows my real name. No one else.

Venomous Cure • Lydia Martin [complete]Where stories live. Discover now