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Malia had invited me to a party Lydia was throwing tonight. I wasn't going to lie to myself and say I wasn't excited because I was beyond excited. I had to rush home right after to school to get myself situated.

I needed more blood before I went anywhere. Without my full energy I'd be on a full rampage looking for heads to rip off. Thankfully Malia did get my book-bag for me before she came looking for me at lunch. I did convince her to not tell Lydia about what I am. I wanted to tell her on my own.

"Flynn! Have you seen my fedora?" I asked from my room.

I was putting together my outfit before I did anything else. If I got distracted and did everything else before that it would take me forever to get my outfit together. That's why I always set out my clothes the night before.

I finished drinking from my fourth blood bag and three it in the trash in my bathroom. My outfit was ready, well almost. I was still missing my fedora.

"Flynn!" I yelled once again, but there was still no response.

Something wasn't right. Something didn't smell right. I could smell Flynn's cologne, but something else had my attention. Someone else was in the house. Another Vampire.

I sped down to the living room ready to defend Flynn. As I approached the living room I saw Flynn sitting on the sofa unharmed.

"Flynn? Is everything okay?"

He nodded with a big smiles on his face. What was his problem. He rarely smiles even if it is just the two of us. What did he do now?

"Hello, my son."


"Surprise." Flynn said as he stood to his feet.

I quickly spun around to see my father walking from the kitchen with a small glass of blood in his hand. When did this happen?


Father had set down the glass of blood and waisted no time bringing me into a bone crushing hug

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Father had set down the glass of blood and waisted no time bringing me into a bone crushing hug. I just don't understand. Who did this to him? Not that I'm not happy to see him. I'm actually thrilled. I have my father back in my life, but he should be dead. He should've lived his human life and died from old age. What happened to him?

"I can't believe it's you." I whispered into his shoulder.

"I can't believe I've found you after all of these years, my boy."

If I could still cry is be creating a river right now. After over 100 years I finally had someone close to me that I love back in my life. I feels good.

"Now, I hear you've been invited to your first party here in Beacon Hills, so I won't keep you. We'll just catch up when you get back. Sounds good?"



"Flynn have you seen my-"

"It's in my room. I borrowed it yesterday."


I ran upstairs and grabbed the fedora as I was heading back to my room. It would be amazing if Alfred was here right now. Me and that guy shared everything with each other, besides girls of course. That's disturbing.

As I was on my way out I noticed how Flynn and father were bonding as if they were related. It made me happy. Flynn finally will have a father figure in his life.

I pulled up in front of Lydia's lake house only I find two cars and a motorbike out-front. What is this? I was hesitant to get out of the car, but it was Lydia and Malia for Christ sake. What could go wrong?

I hopped of my car and made my way to the door. Before I could get a chance to knock the door swung open. It was some Asian girl that I never met before.

"Hi, you're Tate Quentin. The new kid."

"Uh, yeah. Is Lydia or Malia here?" I asked politely.

I didn't want to come off as rude no matter how bad I wanted to. I get invited to a party only to show up to show to a lake house with no partying going on. I'm hurt.

"Yeah, there right here actually. Come in."

I gladly stepped through the door and was greeted by the appearance of the only Malia and Lydia, but three others as well.

"What is this? Malia what's going on?" I asked in confusion.

"I'm sorry, Tate, it slipped out!"

"You didn't. Malia, I trusted you!" I fumed ready to leave and go home.

What she did was not fair. I knew I shouldn't have told her what I was. I mean she never told me what she was. Malia looked down seeming a bit sad.

"I know and I'm sorry."

"Tate, right? I'm Scott, and this is Stiles and Liam. The girl behind you is Kira, and there no need to introduce the other two."

"Him too?! What are you?! Werewolf?! Banshee?! " Liam growled.

"Liam we're just trying to help." Stiles said with frown.

"You people are crazy!"

"Werewolf? Banshee?" I repeated glancing at Scott.

"I'll explain later. Just...Liam how do you feel?"

"I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch psychotic nut-jobs!"

Everything just happened so fast. The party had finally arrived and this Liam guy was being dragged off somewhere he wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Stiles?" Malia said.

"Yeah? O-Kay. Let's go." Stiles grabbed some chains and grabbed Malia.

Was she a werewolf too?

"What about the party?!"

"Lydia, who throws the best parties in Beacon Hills?"

"What? Me, obviously."

"Then throw a party."

Stiles and Malia left leaving me and Lydia alone. Lydia gazed at me. It was like she wanted to say something other than, "Let's throw a party."

Will she ever forgive me?

Venomous Cure • Lydia Martin [complete]Where stories live. Discover now