A.M. ch. 19

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A.M Ch. 19

Ben’s P.O.V.

Jasleen was upstairs talking to Whitney, which left me downstairs with Matt. I lean forward on the couch placing my head in my hands and sigh. How could I get her Pregnant? I’m usually never this reckless. But, when Whitney gets me going I just don’t think about a condom. I feel a hand clamp down on my shoulder and I look up to see Matt smiling down at me. “So, bro what has been going on in the house of love?” I laugh and say “Dude, don’t call my house that. And a lot but before I tell you how are things with my little sister? Are you treating her alright? Cause if you’re not I will kick your ass.” Matt smiles and takes a seat next to me and says “Great, your sister is amazing I want her to meet my parents tomorrow night for dinner actually.” I nod my head and say “oh, so that’s what she practically screamed to know where Whitney was.” Matt gave me a confused look and I said “You scared her, not in a bad way in a I want my boyfriend’s parents to approve of me but I’m a totally klutz way.” Matt nodded his head and replied “Yeah I guess but my parents will love her because I care about her.” I pat him on the back and say “I know you do Bud, now about my problem, god I hope Whit doesn’t kill me for telling you, I kind of got her pregnant and her parents want her to get an abortion but no way in hell that’s happening so the wedding is being postponed a year.” Matt’s eyes are wide and he chokes out “p…pp..pregnant did she kick your ass?” I laugh and said “No, I’m rather surprised about that.” Matt laughs and pats me on the back saying “well congratulations buddy.” I smile and say “Thanks, but Matt don’t tell anyone.” Matt nodded then stood up as we heard footsteps descending the stairs. Jasleen pops her head around the corner all smiles and runs and hugs me before turning and dragging Matt outta the house. I shake my head at my sister’s hyper-ness and start my trek up the stairs to check on my baby mama.

Jasleen’s P.O.V

I drag Matt out of my brother’s house and stop right in front of his truck, I lean against him brushing my nose with his and whisper “Matt, will your parents like me?” Matt smiles running a hand down my side and resting it on my ass pushing me closer to him before replying “Jassy, they will love you don’t you spend another minute worrying about it, you will get worry lines.” I gasp before hitting in on the shoulder saying “I will not, I’m not old yet mister.” Matt chuckles that deep chuckle that makes my knees go weak before moving forward and capturing my lips with his in an intense kiss that held lots of promise. Boy, I think I’m falling for this boy more and more every day. I pull back from the kiss and rest my forehead with his staring into his eyes I say “How did I get so lucky as to manage to snag you up into a relationship?” Matt smiles and says “I think I am the lucky one Jassy.” My heart skips at beat at his words and I give him a quick peck on the lips before pulling away from him and getting into the truck a permanent smile on my face. I guess things really do turn out alright in the end.

Uknown P.O.V.

Look at them all lovey dovey, it’s sickening. I should be the one he wants, the one he loves, the one he tries to make smile, the one he wraps in his arms. It’s not fair, why HER? Why does she get everything I crave for? What’s so special about her? Nothing absolutely nothing is special about her. I’m more beautiful, more fun, and flirtier; I bet I’m a thousand times better in bed. Actually, I bet he isn’t even getting any from her. In time he will be mine, he will love me more than he ever loved her, he will stare into my eyes with content and wrap his arms around me. I will have him, no matter what. Even if I have to whip her out of the picture, he will be MINE!

Whitney P.O.V.

I smile after my visit with Jasleen, she is such a klutzy nerd but I love her so. I change in my bathing suit and head downstairs running into Ben on the stair case. I watch as his eyes run up and down my body, I feel my cheeks get warm and let out a little giggle which gets Ben’s attention back to my face. I smile and say “Like what you see big boy.” Then wink as I descend the rest of the stairs, I hear Ben cough then say “Well, yes I do.” I feel my cheeks heat up again and I say “uh… well I’m going to do a couple laps by the pool want to come?” I feel arms wrap around my waist then my feet being lifted off the ground I wrap my arms around Ben’s neck as he starts heading out back to the pool and he shoots a wink down at me before saying “Getting you all wet baby is what I love to do.” I blush and smack his hard chest before saying in protest “Ben, you can’t just say stuff like that.” Ben chuckles and says “Still so innocent.” Before jumping into the pool with me still wrapped up in his arms.

Mrs. Knight P.O.V.

I curl up on the couch into my husbands arms and say "I think Whitney was the best option for our son, I mean look how much she has changed him and helped him in life." He simply nodded his head while running his fingers threw my hair. I sigh and say "But, still a baby. That's a big deal and a lot of responsibilty. Ben will have to put his big boy pants on to be able to grow up and take care of his future wife and child." I close my eyes and take a deep breath the scent of my husband all around me, comforting me. I smile as I start to drift off. I'm sure Ben can handle it after all he has managed to get Whitney to fall in love with him, something I thought might never happen. 

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