Chapter 20

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Whitney's P.O.V. 

Four weeks..... there is just four weeks, exactly 28 days till graduation and I am four and a half months pregnant. Morning sickness has just gotten worse and the smell drifting threw the school hallways wasn't helping any. I had to start wearing Ben's hoodies or t-shirts to hide my growing baby bump. Speaking of Ben he pretty much rarely lets me out of his sight now and it has just gotten worse since the one time he did one of my sisters goonies pushed me into a locker and Ben freaked out. Luckily Jasleen was there and she punched her in the face before Ben did something stupid... Like blurt out I was pregnant. 

My mother has refused to talk to me and by all means I am pretty okay with that. She wasn't really a mother to me the last 8 years of my life anyway. I haven't talked to Jessie so I am not entirely to sure if she even knows that she is going to be an aunt but since the rest of the school doesn't know I am assuming she wasn't told. 

At the moment, I am in the library of the Knight manor having a girls night with Jasleen as Ben is out with his parents. I am currently playing hide-an-seek with Jasleen and I have been hidden between two book cases for almost an hour now and I am unbelievable bored. I mean I know this house is huge but how long does it take to check all the rooms. I mean the library is the second door on the second floor it couldn't of taken her this long to check the down stairs. 

I look at the time on my cell phone one last time before deciding to just call Jasleen. The cell rings three times and I don't hear it anywhere near me then I hear her voice "Whitney???" I smile, so she isn't dead and reply "You are the worst at this game." I get out from behind the book shelve and make my way to the door hearing Jasleens laugh threw the phone as she says "Am NOT!" Then I hear a crash like glass breaking and Jasleens startled gasp and whisper "Was that you Whit?" I freeze and whisper back "No, wasn't that you?" I could hear Jasleens heavy breathing threw the ear piece as my heart beat increased as she whispers "no" Then I hear the worst sound in the world it seems to bounce and ego off every wall............ 

A single scream. 

Not just any scream though a high pitch terror filled screech of a scream that makes my blood run cold and my face go pale as my heart feels like it could jump out of my skin at the same time as my stomache doing cartwheels. I take off in a run down the stairs almost falling half a dozen times on the way as I start to pound 9-1-1 into my cell phone. I round the corner at the end of the hall and slowly start to make my way to the lounge room the room lighting seeming duller then when I was last in it. 

I peak around the corner into the room and don't see Jasleen it all seems almost normal except the cool air flowing threw it. I take a step into the room and notice the curtain blowing in the wind showing glimpse of window or what is left of it, shards of glass all over the floor blocked by the large three seated couch and la-z-boi chair. I scan the room for anything out of the ordinary sending Ben a message 'S.O.S.' 

I notice one of the large metal lamps that had been on the coffee table between the chair and couch missing. I dial Jasleens number and my heart drops more when i hear her ring tone coming from the other side of the couch. I creep closer to it and peer behind letting out a scream as I see...................

Jasleen's phone laying in a pile of blood the missing lamp broken and dented laying beside it.I hear a door slam and loud foot falls approaching. I clamp a hand over my mouth and dug into the kitchen climbing into the cupboard under the sink where i always hide when Jasleen and I were kids. I hear the footsteps slowing as they getting louder I can hear the screech of shoes of tile as they enter the kitchen. I hear what sounds like someone kicking something then a female voice leaking with pure evil say "Oh, Whitney I know you are in here, I am going to find you and get rid of you just like I am going to get rid of Jasleen. Trying to steal my man away from me, I CAN PLEASE HIM SO MUCH MORE THEN SHE EVER COULD!!!!!!!!!!" I have to put my free hand overtop of my other hand already on my mouth to keep from gasping outloud. This girl is physco, what is she gonna do to Jazzy? My poor Jazzy. 

Just then I hear sirens and the kitchen door being thrown open and the girl screaming. I hear banging then the front door crashing again the wall and someone yell "Police!" I climb out from under the counter to see Ben and Matt on the floor holding down a small figure that is twisting and swearing and growling threats. Two middle age officers walk into the room one coming toward me as I leaned against the counter shaking and holding my stomache, the other headed for the boys pulling them off her as he lifts her up holding her hands behind her back. She turns to look at me and I gasp

Hailey Laboe is standing there, one of Matt's ex girlfriends, her blonde hair all messed up her make-up smudged and a dark red substince staining her blue shirt and jeans. I gasp and take off for a run calling out Jasleens name and throwing every door open the officer and boys chasing after me. I throw the door to Mr. Knights office open and see a body unmoving laying in the middle of the floor. I run up and see Jasleen shirt torn and cuts covering her stomache and arms. A circle of blood around her head from I'm guessing where Hailey hit her with the lamp. I feel someone come up behind me and pull Jasleen into there arms I look at Matt crying and mumbling Jasleens name as he pushing the hair out of her face and kisses her face. 

I get pulled into arms as someone rubs the back of my head I start to sob as the slowly rock me back and forth more sirens being heard and the distant voices of Mr and Mrs. Knight yelling at police officers to let them see there baby girl. I stay there is Ben's arms as Paramedics come and pry Matt away from Jasleen so they can rush her to the hospital hearing words like 'low heart rate'  and 'loss of blood' as soon as Jasleen is out of my sight the room starts to spin. 

I feel a pain in the stomache and hunch over I hear distant yells for my name, well I suppose the aren't really distant since Ben is right in front of me but he sounds miles away. I reach up to touch his face and I start to fall backwards the world turning to darkness around me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2013 ⏰

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