My life is OVER!! (Arranged Marriage) ch.6

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Whitney’s P.O.V

*the next morning*

I woke up to the sound of bird singing. I roll over and put a pillow over my head, then I remember everything from last night and shot up into a sitting position. I looked around to see that I'm NOT outside and am in my room. I sigh and stand up stretching, I yawn as I walk into my closet and grab some jean short shorts and a baby blue tank top, along with some fresh undergarments. I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on making waiting a couple of minutes for it to reach the right temperature before I take off the clothes from the day before and step into the awaiting warm water.

When I get out of the shower after 15 minute, totally refreshed I wrap a towel around my body and look at myself in the mirror. All my friends say that I'm beautiful with a perfect face structure and nice bright eyes that attract ever mans attention. But, I didn’t think so, I think I look like every other girl that I have seen. I pull out my hair dryer and start to blow drying my hair while getting lost in my thought.

Ben’s P.O.V.

I was woken up the next morning by the sound of a blow drier coming from Whitney’s room. I got out of bed and walk into the bathroom turning on the water.

10 minutes later I was out of the shower and fully dressed. I headed down stairs starving, when I walk into the kitchen your eyes go wide. There sitting down eating a bowl of cereal was Whitney in short shorts showing off her very thin, very fit legs. I avert my eyes to her face as I notice her turn around. I smile at her and sit beside her and say "Good morning you look nice today." Whitney smiles at me and say "good morning you don’t look to bad yourself." The cook places a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me and I start to eat in silence. Whitney finishes eating and says "where is Jasleen?" I look at her and say "she fell asleep with Matt on the couch last night." Whitney’s eyes go wide then she smiles and runs off into the living room. I hear an ‘oof’ noise as something hard land on the couch then I hear Jasleen scream and Matt grumble. I start to laugh as I get up leaving my half finish breakfast behind to go see what is going on in the living room.

I stop at the door way, to see Jasleen on the floor, Matt sitting up on the couch both glaring at a smiling Whitney who is sitting on the back part of the couch smiling innocently. I start to laugh as Jasleen stand up from the floor and starts to chase Whitney yelling things like ‘im going to kill you’ ‘wait till I get my hands on you’ ‘you better run’. Whitney hides behind you and says "don’t let her eat me" Jasleen stops 2 feet infront of me and I smirk and turn my head so Whitney can hear me and say "what will be so wrong about that." Whitney wraps her arms around my stomache and says "you would let her kill your fiancé?" I shrug and reply "maybe." Whitney pouts and mumbles into my back "fine then be a meany." I chuckle and look to see Jasleen and Matt giving me both a weird look. I shrug and wrap my arms around Whitney’s waist and pick her up bridal style and say "I think someone needs to cool off." With that I walk to the back yard towards the pool with Whitney flailing her arms and legs everywhere.

I stop at the side of the pool and say "stop moving around or I will drop you." Whitney stops for a second and glares at me and says "you are going to drop me anyway." I laugh and say "your right." then let her go. She screams as her body hit the cool morning water, when she resurfaces, I was to busy laughing to see the smirk on her face as she swims to the pool ledge. I look down and she gives me a sad pout and sticks her hand out and says "help me out please." I grab her arms and pull her out, when her feet hit the floor she moves over to my side and pushes me into the water. I shiver when I first come into contact with the cold water. As I resurface I glare at Whitney who is know laughing by the door with a towel around her. I jump out of the pool and run after her, she screams and takes off into the house. Toward the front foyer where the stairs are.

Just as she gets to the front foyer I grab ahold of her waist and spin around making her scream then laugh. I place her on the ground and spin her around so she is facing me, I cup her chin in my hands and say "I’m sorry for getting mad last night." Whitney averts her eyes to the floor and I lift her chin up and whisper in her ear "I really am." I kiss her cheek and make my way down her jaw line towards her mouth.


The door flies open and standing there are, my parents. Whitney pushes me away and says "Hi" My mother gives me this look then hugs and kisses my cheek and says "where is Jasleen?" I point to the living room and she nods her head and walks off. I nod to my dad before he follows after my mother. Whitney sighs and walks up the stairs. I run my fingers through my hair and shake my head how could I be so stupid.

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