My life is OVER!! ch.11

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*WHITNEY* (back to the chase)

I split up from Jasleen and look back to see Ben gaining on me. DAMN! I ran into the garden and hear Ben behind me yell "I’m gonna get you Whitney!" I shake my head and yell "No, you won’t Benny!" I make a sharp turn into the rows of 3 feet high sun flowers. I hear Ben curse loudly and start to laugh. The next thing I know a huge weight is slamming into my back sending my down into the dirt. I groan from the ground and lift my head outta the dirt. I hear a groan coming from my back and look behind me to see Ben on my back. Ben jumps off me and starts to dust himself off as I roll onto my back and say "God damn it Ben, what did you do that for?" Ben looks down at me and starts to laugh while saying "S...sorry, but.... it seemed like..a.. Good idea... you have dirt all over your face." Ben sticks his hand out and he helps me off the ground. Once on my feet again, I push him back and start toward the fountain to wash my face off. Ben following behind me repeatedly apologizing but I’m continuing to ignore him. After washing my face, Ben grabs my waist and pulls my body against his and kisses my cheek. I put my hands on his chest and push him back slightly. He lets go of my waist and puts his hands up in the surrender pose and says "Look babe, I’m sorry really I am." I smile sweetly up at him and reply "your sorry eh?" He nods his head and I smile before pushing on his chest hard enough to make him lose his balance.

He fell backwards into the fountain getting soaked. I smile at him and say "Now, that was an apology, your forgiven, now lets go save Jasleen from the wrath of Matt. Poor girl is probably having a heart attack." Ben hops outta the fountain and laughs saying " Yeah, more or less, not that Matt isn’t enjoying having my sister all to himself." I laugh and turn towards the woods, I hear Ben’s footsteps behind me then arms circle around my waist pulling me towards a cold wet body, effectively wetting my back. I gasp and yell "BEN!!!!!!" Ben chuckles and spins me around getting my front wet too. I open my mouth to yell at him but Ben slams his lips on mine taking advantage of my open mouth by introducing our tongues. I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. I love his kisses. I pull apart a minute later and turn around heading for the woods. Ben wraps his left arm around my shoulders and smiles down at me.

I roll my eyes and we stop at the edge of the woods. I yell out "MATT! JASLEEN! Come on, we gotta set up for the party guys!" Ben leans down and kisses my ear before whispering "I must say tho you are sexy when your mad babe." I elbow him in the ribs and roll my eyes and mumble "pig." Ben shakes his head and starts to laugh. I hear footsteps approaching and look up to see Matt with a pale face and looking up at the sky a couple feet behind him I see a sad Jasleen looking down at the ground with a bright red face. I run towards Jasleen and wrap her into a hug yelling "My love, I’ve missed you sooo much never leave me alone again with that that..... animal." I hear a fake gasp behind me and Ben’s voice say "Me? An Animal? You must have me confused with another person babe." I hear Jasleen laughter and smile at my success before looping arms with her and turning to the house to see Matt and Ben almost to the house already goofing around. I whisper "What happen Jazzy?" Jasleen sighs and mumbles "A mistake" I stop dead in my tracks and say "What happen? Did he hurt you? You can tell me if he did, I’ll go kick his ass right now."

Jasleen shakes her head and turns to look at me and says "No.. Yes.. No.. I mean urgh it’s a long story Whit." I shake my head and give her a determined look and say "Tell me Jasleen." She sighs again and looks up at the sky and says "Well he chased me into the woods, caught up with me and backed me up into a tree. We were laughing then looked into each others eyes, we both stopped laughing. I don’t know what happen or who started it. But, we kissed and not just a peck on the lips or brush of the lips. I really heated kiss. We pulled apart when you yelled and he got all weird and said that it was a mistake, a heat of the moment kinda thing. I thought he liked me back, but I guess its good to know that truth. I just want to go have fun at this party and forget about him, please Whitney." Jasleen gave me a pleading look and I nodded my head completely dropping the subject and smiled at her before saying "Well lets go get all sexy and make some boys drop dead tonight love." She smiles at me and nods her head before we both continue are journey to the house.


I look behind me before entering the house to see Jasleen and Whitney talking. I look at Matt to see his face returning color and I say "Why do you look like you seen a ghost? What happen back there man?" Matt sighs and says "nothing man." I roll my eyes and grap his shoulder turning him to face me and I say "dude, tell me." Matt says "Don’t get mad bro, but I kinda kissed your sister." I smile and says "thatta boy." Matt looks at me confused and says "your not mad?" I shake my head and say "Nah, I know you both like each other I was really tempted to lock you both in the coat closet tonight and tell you both you weren’t coming out till you admit your feeling for each other." Matt groans and says "Shit, she likes me back. Fuck, I’ve messed up." I raise an eyebrow and say "why? What did you do?" Matt looks at me and says "I kinda said that the kiss was a mistake, you know heat of the moment kinda thing. I didn’t know that she liked me or that you would be so cool with this." I groan and shake my head at him and say "Yeah, you fucked up dude big time, I’m only cool with this cause I know you wont cheat on her, I guess now you gotta try to make this better tonight dude." Matt nods his head and says "thanks bro." I shrug my shoulder and say "Don’t mention it dude." I push his shoulder and we start to play fight in the kitchen. I had Matt in a head lock and he had his arms around my chest and my feet off the ground when we heard giggling coming from the doorway and Whitney’s voice saying "Do you two need some alone time? We can come back in 15 minutes?" Matt and I release each other and look up at the girls and I smirk and reply "babe, you know I only save myself for you at night, plus Matt and I are 100% straight you know that." I wink at her as she rolls her eyes and her and Jasleen leave the kitchen. Matt yells "Where are you two going? We gotta set up?" Whit yells back from the stairs "You are big strong boys you can handle it, we gotta go get ready for all the boys tonight, I’m not married yet." My smirk disappears and I yell back "Wait wait wait, the only guy your allowed to look sexy for is me, No body better even look at you." I hear laughter coming from the stairs and Jazzy yell back "I’ll watch over her for you Benny, as long as you can keep your junk in your pants then Whitney will keep her hands to herself as well."


Hey lovely's, hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm soooooooooooo sorry its sooo short but I haven't been getting much feedback so I'm not even sure how people are liking this book. I'm sorry if its not very interesting right now but it should be getting more interesting in the next couple chapter. Shit goes down at this party. The next chapter will be up soon my lovely's. Dont forget to COMMENT AND VOTE. xoxoxoxoxoxo your all wonderful people -FeLLerS

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