My Life is OVER!! ch. 10

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Hey Hey Readers, I just wanted to take a minute to thank you all for reading and would appreciate if you would take a minute to give me some feedback and you can even suggest what you would want to happen in the story, or what you would like to happen in the next chapter.

Oh, and I promised I would let you all know that my character Jasleen is based off my best friend Lindsay aka. Llinds (you should check out her story). ANYWHO! Thanks again and please please leave me a comment thanks doll.



I awoke in the morning to sun shining in my face. I roll over to hit Ben to tell him to close the god damn blind but my hand just hits air. I open my eyes to see the bed beside me empty, I sit up and rub the sleep outta my eyes as I scan the room for any signs of Ben. Which there are none. I scoot outta bed and slid my feet towards my closet to chose my clothes for the day. Since its nice and sunny I decide to go with White short shorts and a blue twist top tank top along with a fresh pair of delicates (bra, panties and socks). I head for the shower to relax in the heavenly feeling and let all my sleepyness and stress wash away.

After my 30 minute shower, I dry off and get dressed before brushing my hair just to mouse it wavy, then I brush my teeth, put on light mascara and eye liner, add coconut body wash to my arms and legs and finally put on my silver flats. I deem myself presentable and head down stair to get breakfast and orange juice. I barg into the kitchen to see Jasleen half asleep slumped up against the breakfast bar on the high stool. I sneak up behind her and scream "MORNING JASLEEN!!!!!!!" I watch in amusement as she jump 2 feet off the chair, smacking her knees off the breakfast bar as she turn and glares at me holding her now red sore knees and yells "OW!!! Bitch what the fuck was the for? Are you trying to kill me? Can't you see I was trying to sleep?" I try to hold a sincere face as I reply "I'm sorry Jazzy, I didn't mean to scare you I thought you would have heard me." I flutter my eyelashes at her before bee lining it to the fridge or as I like to call it Gods-invention-from-Heaven.

I open the fridge and feel the burst of cold air hit me I sigh in satisfaction before grabbing the orange juice, then I open the freezer and grab the chocolate chip eggos. I sit onto one of the high stool before grabbing a cup and putting two eggos into the toaster. I tap my fork against the counter top waiting for my eggo. Jazzy rolls her eyes at me and steals my fork saying "stop that, your so impatient Whit." I roll my eyes at her and say "Atleast I don't act like I could commit murder when I first wake up." Jazzy gave me the middle finger as I stuck my tongue out at her. Just then my eggos pops outta the toaster and went flying into the air and leaped up to catch them sending the high stool backwards. I just grasp both eggos and I start to fall backwards. I scream and close my eyes holding the eggos tight so not to drop them as I waited for the impact.

I felt someone grasp my arms and tug me upwards. I open my eyes to see......... JAZZY! Once im balanced I pull her into a hug and say "You saved my life, your my prince charming, now let us ride of into the sunset." Jazzy laughs then grabs my shoulders and says in a deep manly voice "My maiden ofcourse I saved thy in distress, For your beauty is hard to compete and for fate brought us together." I tapped my 'tears' away and pretend to faint. I look up at Jazzy to see her face beet red and her eyes wide open staring at the kitchen door. I turn to see Ben and Matt standing there looking at us like we lost our minds. I feel my face grow hot as I start to stammer out "uh.. The toaster.. and I... and She... and we... were joking around.. we arent lesbo's, trust me Jasleen here is two in love with a certain boy to ever be lesbian." That snapped Jazzy out of it cuz the next instant she is hitting me over the head and yelling "SHUT UP WHITNEY!! I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUST SAID THAT TOO BEN AND MATT!!" I cover my head with my hands and say "Ow, Jasleen stop it. I need all the brain cells I can get if I'm gonna be able to stay sane while married to your brother. It's not like they know who we are talking about cause your a chicken and wont just come out and say 'I am madly in love with you m-"

My life is OVER!! (Arranged Marriage)Where stories live. Discover now