My life is OVER!! ch. 9

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Jasleen's P.O.V.

We ended the song with both Whitney and I facing opposite directions. I spun around and grabbed Whit's hand as we bowed staring into the ball room to see everyone clapping. Whit looked at me smiling while pulling me into a hug and whispering in my ear "now that wasn't so bad." I laugh and say "Yeah yeah." Whit winks at me and jumps off the stage. I shake my head and say "Whit, your in a dress dumby." Whit shrugs and says "so?" I watch her walk off as I walk to the stairs to see..... Matt standing there.

I smile as he stretchs his hand out for me to grab so he can help me down the stair. Once, I'm standing beside him, he smiles and says "I didn't know you could sing like that." I feel a slight blush grace my cheeks as I reply "uh... well I don't really like singing infront of people and I really only sing with whitney." Matt throws an arm around my shoulder effortlessly and says "Well, It seems Whit brings out the out-going side of you." I laugh and say "well, when I meet her she did help me outta my shell. I owe a lot to her, I'd do anything for her. she is my best friend and i love her like a sister." Matt nods his head and says "Yeah, I can see that." I follow as Matt leads me to the table with all the boys and seats me beside him. We both quickly jump in on the conversation as my eyes scan the room not see either Whit or Ben. Huh wonder where they went.

Ben P.O.V.

I watched hypnotized as Whitney shaked her hips back and forth to the music as her and Jasleen were singing. Amazingly might I add. I mean I didn't even know either of them could sing, how you can live with someone and not know they can sing amazingly is beyond me. I was holding in a groan as Whitney bowed giving pretty much everyone a free look down her dress. I stood up and followed Whitney as she walked out the ballroom doors and down the hall. I grabbed her wrist and turned her around, gently pushing her into the wall by the kitchen door. She let out a little shriek in suprise, her eyes wide as I stood with my body pressed against her's and a smirk on my face. I moved my mouth to her ear and whisper "I wasn't aware you could sing. But, damn I was a little to turned on watching your hips move to really pay attention to the song." I feel Whitney shudder under me and my smirked widen from the effect I had on her.

Her hands moved slowly down my chest and I groaned as they stopped at my waist band. She smiled at me and replies "Well babe, there is a lot you don't know about me. And I'll keep in mind just how easily I can turn you on for future refrence." I put a hand under her chin and smash my lips onto hers. It was a fierce, intense kiss that lasted all of 2 minutes before we hear a gasp down the hall and see one of the hired waitresses standing there face flushed and looking embarrased. I chuckle and Whit pushes on my chest before smiling at the girl and looking back at me and saying "well, this has been fun Ben. But, we got guest and I need a bottle of water. Don't keep our guest waiting deary." she smirked at me before walking threw the kitchen door, leaving me in the hall way. I shake my head and let out a deep chuckle as I run my hands threw my hair making my way back to the ball room. Oh Whitney, What are you doing to me?

Whitney's P.O.V.

I smile as I walked into the kitchen to see the cheif, Alfred, running around making sure everything is perfect. The knight's hire him for every major event they host at their house. I wave in his direction as I grab a bottle of water outta the fridge. I hear Alfred grumbling something about spolied brats not knowing anything. I hold in a laugh as I watch Alfred storming around the kitchen, red faced and ranting. He like most cheif's hates it when you critize his food.

I silently leave the kitchen before he gets mad at me for taking up his valuable space. I walk back into the ball room and scan the room looking for Ben or Jasleen. I see Jasleen sitting pretty close to Matt and it looks like they are having a pretty private conversation. So, I rule out talking to her. I continue scanning the room, not seeing Ben anywhere, when I feel arms enclose around my waist pulling me into a warm hard muscular chest. I look over my shoulder to Ben and he kisses my cheek and I smile and say "Aw, you missed me already, thats cute." I feel Ben's chest vibrate as he laughs and says "Oh yes Whit, Cause I can't live a moment without you." I roll my eyes at his sarcasm and reply "I knew it." Ben shakes his head at me and looks up at something or someone. I turn my head to see a blonde middle aged man walking towards us. He smiles warmly at us and nods his head as we walks past leaving the room. I shrug and turn in Ben's arm so I am now facing him and I say "I can't wait for this party to be over. I'm so tired." Ben shakes his head and says "You are always tired Whit. And I thought we could have some fun tonight." Ben winks at me and I feel my cheeks start to flush as I hit his shoulder and say "Benjamin Knight, You are soooo not getting any 'fun' from me for a loooong time you damn horn dog." Ben pouts and replies "awwww, but Whiney.... it's okay you will eventually give in they always do." He winks at me once again before smirking at me and giving me a peck on my lips before walking away.

I stand there for a second before blinking and turning to watch him walk away. Did he just really say that? Ha. In his dreams, like fuck I would do anything with his player ass. What do I look like one of his whores?

Unkown P.O.V.

I watched as Ben wrapped his arms around that bitch Whitney's waist. She doesn't deserve him. He needs a women, someone that can show him a good time. Someone like me. My grip on my wine glass tightens as I see them laughing and flirting. I smirk as I think about what her face is gonna be like when I take away her little Benjamin. He won't be able to last not getting any action for very much long. I mean he is Benjamin Knight; the number one player in this town.

Ben will be mine. One way or another, I will take him away from her and leave her with nothing but a broken heart and a I-told-you-so. Well let the games begin Whitney, We will see who Benjamin ends up with in the end and I gaurentee it won't be you.

Whitney's P.O.V.

Have you ever got that feeling that your being watched? Or that something bad is about to happen? Well, I got both of those feelings right now, but then again everyone kinda is looking at me I mean it is a engagement party and just so happens to be my engagement party so ofcourse most of the people are watching Ben and I. I'm just a little paranoid with being the center of attention. Right? right ofcourse and now I'm talking to myself.

I sigh as my mom comes up to me and pulls me into a hug. I hug her back and say "uh.. mom?" she smiles at me and says "You look tired dear, I was talking to Molly and we decided that you should head up to bed. Don't worry the party will be over soon and we will explain were you went off too." I smile and nodd my head saying "Thanks mom." I walk up to Ben who is back at the table with the boys. I smile at everyone at the table and lean toward Ben and say "I'm going to bed now, the moms sent me away." I walk over and kiss Jasleen on the cheek then Matt on the nose and wave at the rest of the boys "Night guys." I start to walk away as I feel Ben's arm grab my hand and pull me back as he says "what no special goodbye for me, I'm starting to think you like Matt."

I smile and say "Oh damn, and I was trying so hard to hide my feelings for him." I hear everyone at the table laugh and look to see Matt blushing before he winks at me and says "I knew you wanted me for my body." I laugh and jokingly lick my lips and wink at him. Ben rolls his eyes and mutters "stop flirting with my friend." I grab his chin and say in a baby voice "Is someone jealous?" Ben mocks me then says "No, im not jealous." I roll my eyes and say "uh huh suuuuure." I peck his cheek then say "there you go. Night." I start to walk away when I'm pulled back. I sigh and look at Ben. He smiles innocently before grabbing the back of my head and pulling my down for kiss. I dont kiss back and Ben doesn't seem to like that. He pushs his lips harder on mine and I decided now would be a great time to kiss back. I pull apart a second later and kiss the tip of his nose then hear him say "now, that was a good night kiss." I roll my eyes and just walk away.

Once, in our room I walk into my closet and find a light blue night gown that goes to the middle of my thighs. I wash my face and brush my teeth before crawling into bed and snuggling into the covers. Welcoming the warm and comfy feeling of the bed as my eyes grew heavy. I smile as I think of the kisses Ben and I shared tonight, I shake my head, I can't have feelings for him. He is Benjamin Knight after all. But, I can't say that I didn't like his kisses though.

I feel my eyes slowly closing as I faintly hear the bedroom door open. To tired to force my eyes open I roll over onto my side. I faintly feel the bed sink in beside me and someone kiss my forehead before someone whispered "Night Whit." I fall into a peaceful sleep.

My life is OVER!! (Arranged Marriage)Where stories live. Discover now