My life is OVER!! ch.8

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whitney's P.O.V.

I groan in my sleep as sunlit brightens the once dark room. I roll over and try to get back to sleep when I hear footsteps walking towards my bed. I roll onto my back to see Jasleen and Mrs. Knight. I rub my eyes and sleepily say "what's wrong?" Mrs.Knight says "well, darling it's 9 o'clock we have a lot to do you have slept late enough, now hurry up, get ready and eat breackfast we are leaving in an hour." With that she leaves the room, I look at Jasleen and say "is she cereal?" Jasleen nods her head and says "I picked out an outfit for you, its in the bathroom, so go take a quick shower. okay love." she winks at me and I laugh hugging her before she leaves. I walk into the bathroom to she a dark green V-neck tank top and jean cut off caprees along with a black bra and undies. I smile and turn the shower taps on, I wait a minute for it to get the right temperature, before stripping out of my clothes and getting into the shower closing the glass door.

*40 minutes later* ((ready and down stairs in kitchen))

I walk into the kitchen and grab a cereal bar opening it and taking a bite. I hear a low whistle behind me and turn to see Aiden, Matt and Ben standing at the kitchen entrance. I raise my eyebrows and ask "what are you three up too?" Matt walks up to me and puts his arm around my shoulder and says "now, Whitney what gives you the idea that we are up to something?" I look at him threw my eyelashes and say "oh, i dont know just a feeling, i guess." I kiss the tip of his nose and watch as a faint blush creeps up on his face. I laugh and pat his cheek and say "you are way to easy to make blush matt." Matt crosses his arms pouting and I walk towards Ben and Aiden. Aiden nods a hello to me and I smile at him. Ben puts his arm around my waist and leans down to whisper in my ear "see you tonight." I kiss his cheek and walk to the front foyer where Jasleen and Mrs.Knight were standing waiting for me.

I smile at them as we all walk outside to the limo awaiting for us. Jasleen and I get in and sit on the far side closet to the limo driver and Mrs. Knight sits beside the door. I look at Jasleen and say "Matt seems sweet." Jasleen blushs and starts to fidget and says "yeah, he is" I smile and say "you should totally tap that." Jasleen turns bright red and slaps my arm and yell-whispers "Whitney!! your terrible." I burst out laughing and say "I'm kidding Jassy." Jasleen looks at me smiling and says "but, i do really like him." I nugde her side and say "i bet he likes you too." Jasleen looks at me and says "you think Whit." I nod your head and Jasleen looks back down and says "but, I'm off limits." I look at her and says "huh, you aren't dating someone, are you?" Jasleens head shot up and she says "no no... its just ... he's Ben's best friends, and I'm Ben's little sister." I start to giggle and say "I bet he wouldnt mind, plus you both deserve to be happy and if to make you happy you have to be together then I dont think Ben will mind." Jasleen shakes her head and says "I dont want to wreck Ben's and Matt's friendship over something that might not last long." I shake my head and open my mouth to say something when the limo pulls over and stops. I look out the window to see we are at a salon.

We all get out of the car and walk into the salon, a tall skinny women in a white tank top and jean shirt with back hair with blonde underlayers walked up to Mrs. Knight and says "Its so good to see you again, how can i kelp you Mrs.Knight." Mrs.K smiles and says "Abby good to see you and all 3 of us need are hair down for my son Ben and Whitney here *puts am on my shoulder* engagement party." Abby nods her head and says "okay, what are you think about getting done."

-FFW- *Beginning of party*

I stare at my reflection in 'aww' the hairdresses trimmed my hair and put it in ringlets flowing over my shoulders. They did my make-up in light colours and I got a manicure. I felt like a princess all dressed up and ready to go to a ball. The dress was tight fitting at the top then became loss at the bottom only reaching to my knees. Someone knocks on my door and I yell "come In!" I take one last look in the mirror, before twirling around to face the door. Standing there was Ben, looking quite handsome in his black tuxedo and red tie. I bit my lip and walk up to him kissing his cheek and say "you look nice." Ben laughs and wraps an arm around my waist and says "you don't look so bad yourself." I giggle as Ben leads me both into the hall and toward the staircase where Molly (mrs.knight) and Andrew (mr.knight) where waiting for us. Molly hugs me and says "you look so cute together." Andrew puts his arm around Molly's waist and says "yes you do, Whitney you look beautiful." I nod my head and say "thank you." Molly kisses Ben's cheek and says "we enter the ball room first then after we announce you two you two come in and stand on the stage with us okay dears." We both nod and then Molly and Andrew decend down the stairs and into the ballroom.

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