Arranged Marriage ch.15

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*two weeks later*

Whitney's P.O.V.

Soooooooooo, Jazzy and Matt are dating now and they are the damn cutest couple ever. Although, evertime I see them my stomach churns and I have to fight to keep the smile on my face; they are so happy while I have screwed up my only chance at true bliss. School has been interesting, all the girls are jealous that I'm marrying 'sex god Ben' but they are all laughing at me cause Ben has reverted back to his old ways.

We share seperate bedrooms again and almost every night I can hear the different girls he brings home. All the girls think they have one this game; But I don't wanna play. I just wanna be left alone and try to get over this. Do you know how hard it is to lose the one you love? Yeah, I love Ben. It shocked me and believe me later the same day it hit me hard and I crashed. I had a cry fest and watched horror movies cuz I mean come on who watchs sappy love stories when they have a broken heart wouldnt that just hurt u more?? But, Ben hasn't talked to me at ALL, not a single look and he never looks at me longer then a mere glimpse.

It's like he doesn't miss me at all. That nothing we have been threw means a thing to him, I smile when I need to and laugh when need be, But my heart isn't in any of my conversations. I'm like an empty shell just passing threw. I don't go shopping with Jazzy or try to embarrass Matt by making him blush. I don't fight with Jessie or shower the house help with compliments. I'm here but I'm not all at the same time. And to top it all off, all this stress is making me feel ill.

I wake up woozy and i get grumpy fast. But, the most scary thing is my period is late, well only by 5 days and sometimes that does happen to me. But, I can't remember if Ben and I used protection well I can't really remember the experience at all. My first time and I dont even remember it, how pathetic. So, that would be why I'm on my way to the drug store to buy a pregnancy test just to clear my concious that I'm NOT pregnaunt and it is just stress causing this delay.

I park the jeep relatively close to the door and walk in. I can feel my hands starting to get moist and whip them against my pant legs. I can hear the heart poundind in my chest and my throat feels like its starting to close. I speed walk with my head down and my hood up toward the maternity section. I stare at the wall of test, That seem like they are mountain high but I know its just my fear making me over react and see things. I tap my fingers on my legs as I debate what to grab. I decide on grabbing 3 just to be sure and speed walk to the cashier. I choose the middle age lady thinking it would be safer as she wouldn't recognize me and won't be able to blab to everyone what I came to the store for. She gave me a warm smile as I approach her til, I placed the test down and she peered at them before looking up with a peading look and whispers "oh darlin, u know we sell condoms too?" I blush as I reply "oh no no no, it's... not.. i'm not-" She starts to laugh at my discomfort and finishes ringing me in "sorry hunn, didn't mean to embarras you, You know I had my first kid when I was 17, Alex. he is 20 now in university. It's hard being a teenage mom but I did it and I'm now married to my high school sweet heart and have 3 kids." I smile at her as i hand her the money she needed and say "well thank you, I'm happy to hear that." She nodds her head and says "well good bye darlin'"

I speed walk outta the store shoving the test deep into my sweater pockets, I feel as if they are weighing my down. I mean I haven't even told Jasleen that I might be pregnaunt yet, what will I tell Matt if I am? He hates me. I already gotta marry him, but I can't and I won't raise a child in a loveless marriage like my parents. I can't have my child growing up feeling left out or abandoned. I made a promise to myself when I was a little girl that I would never let that happen when I had children. They wouldn't know I loved them very much and I would be home for dinner every night and take every weekend off to be with them. We would go hiking, go canoeing, watch games, I'd cheer them on at sporting events or academic achievements. As I ranted on the pro's and con's on having a baby and being pregnaunt I had already made it home and ran right upstairs to my room, locking the bathroom door as I ripped open all the test and followed the instructions for each, setting my cell phone timer to 5 minutes and pacing the bathroom floor waiting for the timer to go off. Biting my nails as I fight between praying I'm not pregnaunt and dreaming of what mine and Ben's baby would look like.

When the buzzer on my cell phone went off my heart felt like it had hit rock bottom and stopped all together. I slowly approach the bathroom counter where the 3 test await. Each step my heart seems to slow down and it is getting harder to breath. Oh dear god, please please don't let this happen, he hates me, no he doesn't, He has ever right to be tho, He is just mad you broke his heart, Well he broke mine; what if he leaves or tries to say it isn't his? stop worring and just find out what the results are. Oh dear god I've gone crazy. I finally grab a hold of the counter slowly releasing a breath I didn't notice I was holding then peer down at the three results.

 'oh god, I'm pregnant. HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!' I sink to the floor, my back against the sink counter, both my hands grasping my stomache.

I don't know how long I was sitting there just staring at the tiling. But, I was brought back to reality when I heard the front door open. Assuming it was Jasleen or Ben and not their parents. I stood up and ran out of the room to go meet them to tell them. I ran right into a hard chest and I wrap my arms around what I assume is Ben, my eyes tightly closed and my shoulder shaking. My head is pounding I just realized that I'm crying, I feel hands rubbing my back then a deep voice that is definitely not Ben's voice say "Whitney, what's wrong? Whit? Did Ben hurt you? Are you okay?" I look up to see Aiden, I take a few steps back and say "Oh.. sorry Aiden, I thought you were Ben." Aiden puts his hands on my shoulder I faintly hear the door down stairs open. As Aiden pushes my back against the back door, I gasp and stutter "A...Aiden?? What... what are you doing? this isn't... funny." Aiden moves closer trapping my body and whispers in my ear "We never got to finish that kiss at the party Whitney." I come back to my senses and try to push him away "Aiden, I love Ben, I'm not a cheater. LET ME GO!!"

Aiden tightens his grip and I look to the top of the stair case tears coming out of my eyes as I see Matt and Ben's head just coming up the stairs. I open my mouth to scream their names just as they turn towards the bedroom. I make eye contact with Ben a tear falling down my cheek as I feel Aiden smash is lip against mine as I kick and push him. I hear loud footsteps then Aiden is forced of me. I sink to the ground and bring my knees to my chest as a sob leaves my lips, as I see Ben on top of Aiden them hitting each other. Then the rest of the gang come running in the room pulling them apart. Camron and Carmon pulling Aiden out the room and down the stairs. I hear the door slam close a second later.

I feel arms wrap around me and look up to see Ben. I rest my head against his chest as he rubs my back and I sob saying "I...I'm sooo.... sorry Ben.. I tried to stop him.. please don't  hate me." I feel his arms tighten around me as he pulls me onto his lap and kisses the top of my head and says "I know Whitney I know, I could never hate you. I love you Whitney." I gasp and look up at him with a wide smile and say "Really?? I love you too Ben." I peck him on the cheek and snuggle into his chest again.

I close my eyes and relax in his arms before I shoot up with wide eyes and I say "uh.. Ben, We need to talk." Ben picks me up and puts me on the bed and lays beside me and says "About what Whitney?" I snuggle into him and say "Remember what happen after that party?" I look up at Ben to see him eyes darken with lust and he says "Yes, and I'm so sorry i've been ignoring you and an ass to you these last couple of weeks by sleeping with those whores but I was just trying to forget about you cause I thought you hated me and I'm so in love with you it hurts but I couldn't forget about you and I ended up never being able to finish what I start with those girls I kick them out of the house cause I start to think of you sitting in the next room and all I wanna do is cuddle up beside me on the bed." I peck him on the cheek and say "You don't need to apologize I didn't really try to talk to you or fix it after I was the one to yell at you but thats not what I wanna talk about.. uhmm... how do you feel about kids?" Ben rubs my back and says "I want some eventually, why?" I sit up and twiddle with my fingers as I look at the wall behind his head and say "I'm just going to come out and say it. okay, I'm pregnant."

I feel Ben tense up beside me and I slowly get off the bed and make my way to the door a sob leaving my mouth again and I whisper "I'm sorry Ben." My hand just barely grabs the door knob before I'm being spun around and lightly pushed against the wall. I feel his lips smash down on mine, I bring my arms up over his shoulders and run my hands threw his hair. He groans into the kiss and grabs the bottom of my thighs, bringin my legs up. I wrap my legs around his chest and grind our hips together. Ben pulls our lips apart and whispers in my ear "I love you Whitney, I'm not going anywhere and neither are you." I smile and push his head back down for another loving kiss.

Let's just say that we forgot about Matt being in the house and he was waiting for a while, well until Jasleen came home that is. 

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