My life is Over (Arranged Marriage) Ch.3

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 ~Ben's P.O.V.~

I watch as Jasleen's car disappears down the drive way. I sigh and climb into my own car smiling to myself as I drive to the basketball court with one thing on my mind the whole drive was how interesting this marraige is going to be.

~Jasleens P.O.V.~

The ride to the mall was quiet... but a comfortable quiet except for music blasting from the radio. I look at Whitney, I jusst know that her and Ben are perfect for eachother, if only they would see it. I smile as I park the car in the mall parking lot and grabbed Whitney's arm running into the mall, both of us laughing.

~Ben's P.O.V~

I park my sports car and hop out. Matt was waiting for me and I fist pump him before we both walk up to the rest of the guys they nod their head at me and I nod back. We get into our normal teams for 3-on-3 making Matt, Drew and I on the same team and we got the skin side of the court. The three of us take off our shirts and all stand in the middle of the court.

- 2 hours later -

The game ended 21-17 my team being victories again. we put our shirts on and I go to Matt and say "We going to my house now, Jasleen is at the mall till 5." Matt shruggs as Drew says "Is the party still on at your house tonight Ben?" My eyes widen and I say "shit, I totally forgot, uh.. yeah Drew." 'Jasleen is going to kill me.' Matt looks at me and says "Jasleen isn't going to be happy, hey is that girl you were telling me about going to be there." I raise an eyebrow and say "Who?? Matt I talk about alot of girls." Matt rolls his eyes as we both get into my sports car and he says "Your Fiance." I curse under my breath and say " Yeah, she is Jasleen's best friend." Matt looks at me and says "WHAT????" I sigh and reply " Yeah, the Whitney chick Jasleen tells you about, has pictures of them both on her mirror in her room."

~FFW 5 p.m.~

~Whitney's P.O.V.~

Jasleen parks in her drive way and I grab all my bags walking into the house and straight to my room, putting my bags down. I walk to my closet to see all my clothes put away. I put all my new clothes away except for an outfit that I am changing into. I pick up the outfit that consist of jean shorts and a baby blue t-shirt that says 'look but don't touch' in black writing. I look in the mirror then walk down stairs and into the kitchen I was going to grab a snack and skip dinner.

I open the fridge and bend down to grab an apple. I hear whistling from behind me and turn around to see Ben and 5 other guys. I glare at Ben and take a bit outta my apple closing the fridge door. One of the guys with brown hair and light green eyes nudges Ben and says "Since, when do you let your entertainment stay this long." I almost choked on the apple in my mouth and they all look at me and I say "excuse me, what did you just say?" I glare at the jerk who said that and Ben makes a disgusted face and says "Believe me Drew she isn't entertainment."

 At that moment Jasleen walks in and stands beside me smiling at the boys and says "Hi guys, what are you doing here?" A tall, blonde hair blue eyed guy replied "Hi Jasleen we came for the party." He puts his arm around Jasleen's shoulder and she blushed slightly before glaring at Ben and saying "Ben I told you not to throw a party."

Ben shrugs smirking as he replies "I forgot." Jasleen rolls her eyes and says "Guys this is Whitney, Whitney this is Matt *points to guy who has arm around her shoulder* thats Drew *points to the jerk* thats Aiden *points to a super hot guy with black hair, blue eyes* and those are the twins Carmon and Camron *points to blonde hair, hazel eyed girl ((Carmon)) and a brown hair, hazel eyes guy ((Camron))*" I nod my head and they nod back. At that moment my cell phone goes off.

'Oh, But hold your breath

Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you

Over again

Don’t make me change my mind

Or I won’t live to see another day

I swear it’s true

Because a girl like you is impossible to find

It’s impossible '

I look at the ID picture and smile. It is from the only family member I can tolerate, although he is my cousin I think of him more as my brother.

' Hey Whit, What you up to? Do you want to come over tonight? I miss you and I'm bored..

You can bring Jasleen


I show Jasleen the message and she nods her head and I hit reply and type in.

'Hey Andrew

I have a long story to tell you, my rents have found a new way to destroy my life. I miss you too and Jasleen and I will be over soon.

Love Whit xoxoxo'

I look to see that Matt had moved behind me and was looking at Ben. I look to see Ben looking in the other direction, I grab Jasleens arm and say "It's nice meeting you guys but we have 2 go enjoy the party." Matt puts his arm around both our shoulders and says "why don't you stay we can go upstairs and have a party for ourself." Jasleen and I look at eachother then elbow him in the ribs lightly. They guys start to laugh at him as he rubs his ribs.

I start to walk to the door and Jasleen yells over her shoulder "Have fun boys, but not to much without me." The two of us then walk to the front door and Matt and Ben follow and Ben ask "Where you going?" Matt adds "Yeah, the party is going to start." I snort and say "why would I want to stay here, when there is going to be girls like my sister here half naked?" Jasleen nudges my arm and says "We are going to Andrew's." Ben's eyebrows furry and he says "Who's Andrew?" I smirk and say "why jealous, boys?" Ben smiles and pulls me close to him saying "why would i be jealous of any guy that likes you." I roll my eyes and push him away saying "watever bye."

With that I grab Jasleen's arm and drag her outside, slamming the door behind me and leaving a smiling Ben. 'He may have won the fight, but I always win the games.'

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