My life is OVER!! (Arranged Marriage) ch. 2

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I was having a peaceful dream, when I felt someone starts to shake me and a deep masculine voice say my name into my ear repeatedly. I groan and bury my head into my pillow swatting the hands away. I hear a female giggle and then the hands from before start to rub up and down my back. I lay on my back and open one eye and who I seen standing there made me jump so bad I fell off the other end of the bed. I could hear the female giggling from my doorway. I look in the direction to see my oh-so lovely twin Jessi in nothing but a short tight silk house robe. I glare at her then the other intruder who just so happens to be Ben. Just great the two devils first thing in the morning.

I stand up and roll my eyes at them both and say rudely "what do you two want?" Jessi rolls her eyes at me, then winks at Ben before walking down the hall. I look at Ben as he says "my parents sent me to get you and your mother let me in." I turn around walking towards my bathroom as I lift my left hand over my shoulder saying "whatever Benjamin."

I hear Ben's footsteps seconds before he grabs my arm and spins me to face him. I squeak in suprise as I try to pull my arm back. Ben pulls me closer to him so he can whisper in my ear "where you going?" I push against his chest and say "shower duh?" I watch as Bens' mouth twitched at my remark and I smirk. I take a step back and he grabs ahold of my waist and says seductively "Want me to join?" I gag and knee him in the stomache. Ben doubles over and I bend down and lift up his chin to see anger and pain written on his face and I whisper in his ear "I'm not one of your whores."

With that I stand up straight and walk into the bathroom

-FFW- 1hr later ((Jasleen's house))

I set my bags down in the main entrance. Ben hasn't said a word to me and I kind of liked it that way. I take a deep breath and sigh before looking at Ben and smiling saying "where am I sleeping?" Ben looks at me confused and says with a straight face "Didn't anyone tell you? We are sharing a room." My face instantly fell and my mouth opened wide while my eyes were wide and I stuttered out "I..uh.. you.. us.. HELL NO!!" I yell the last part scarring a maid who was carrying a vase of floweres, which made her drop it. I apologize and go to help her but she shakes her head and says "no, miss I have it."

 I nod my head and turn to see Ben laughing me and I glare at him and he says "you actually think I would let my parents do that, we made an arrangement I will be responsible by not cheating and you don't share a room with me till after the honeymoon." I nod my head in understanding and say "I doubt you will keep your part of the bargen." Ben smirks and leads my to my new room, where two maids had already taking all of my bags too.

Unfortunetly my new room was across from Ben's, I open the door to see a dark blue color room with a white dresser and well everything was pretty much white except for the bed conforters which was black with white polka dots. I smile and walk into my room, I hear my door close and look to see that Ben had left. I jump onto my bed and lay there starring at the ceiling.

A minute later my door opens and I could hear footsteps approaching me fast. I look just in time to see a blur jump on my bed. I let out a shriek bouncing, I hear a all to familar laugh and I smile tackling Jasleen off the bed. We both begin to laugh and I stand up helping her up also. Jasleen hugs me and says "I am so sorry Whitney." I hug her back and say "It's okay atleast we will be family now." Jasleen laughs and a silent tear falls down my cheek as I giggle.

I whip the tear away and say "where are your 'rents?" Jasleen shrugs her shoulders and says " where they always are." I nod in understanding knowing that means that they are on a business trip. I smile and say "perfect, that means less time with Ben. Do you want to go to the mall?" Jasleen smiles and says " you atleast have to talk to him." I laugh as we both walk out of my bedroom door. I stop laughing when I see Ben coming out his room in basketball shorts and a tight black t-shirt, talking on his cell phone. 'you have to admit he looked hot, WAIT, did I just say that BEN was hot.... no... I must be going crazy.'

Ben hangs up and looks at the two of us and Jasleen says "Hi Ben, going to play ball with the guys?" Ben puts his arm around her shoulder and says "Yes, I will be back in a couple hours, Matt is coming over tonight." Jasleen blushes slightly, I knew for a fact that she has a crush on Matt althought I have never meet him, I bit my lip to stop from laughing. Jasleen glares at me and I smile sweetly making Ben laugh. By now we are all in the driveway, Ben takes his arm off Jasleen and says "where you guys going?" I smile and stand up on my tippy toes and lean up close to Ben and say " to a club to go get laid, where else?" Ben's face went straight, Jasleen and I both start to laugh and I say "you..s...shoukd... have... seen... your...fa..face" Ben pulls me close to him by my waist so there is no space left between us and kisses my cheek saying "Babe, don't play games with me cause I always win." I smirk and bit his ear hearing a low growl come from him and I whisper in his ear "We will have to see about that." With that I push him away and walk to Jasleen's convertible hopping in where she was waiting and I say "We will be back in 5 hours, just in time for dinner." With that you leave ((AN: just so you don't get comfused it is 12:00 and Ben and Jasleen don't hate eachother but Whitney and Ben can't stand eachother.. for now that it))

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