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(Two Years Later)

Ethan's POV:

I walked into the Starbucks on campus.

"Hi, I'll have the Carmel frappe please" I said smiling at the lady that worked there.
There was a girl that worked at Starbucks that was usually here, she wasn't here today though, I believe here name was Grace, it kinda pissed me off that she wasn't here cause I really like here and she's really nice and beautiful.

I smiled picking up my coffee and walked to my first class.

I'm thinking about asking her out because I haven't dated anyone in the last two years... I know that's crazy especially at my age but the last one hit me hard.

I walked into my last class, 7th hour, I'm so happy that I only have 45 more minutes of school left today.

I read the last note as the bell rang.

"Just go ask fucking grace out" Tj said as I got my stuff from my locker looking at grace, she was truly beautiful, she had brown eyes and black hair.
Today she was wearing a skirt about knee length with a striped shirt.

"No" I began to say what I always said. "I know that someday, maybe someday As-"

"Shut the fuck up its been two fucking years, she's not coming back." He said, I knew that what he was saying was the truth but I still believed that one day my beautiful Ashley will walk into my house and tell me how much she loves me, how much she..


"What?" I yelled back.

"Ask her out!" he yelled again.

"Fine!" I yelled walking up to grace.

"Hey"I said leaning against her locker.

"Hey... Ethan right?"

"Yep!" I said smiling.

"Alright, what's up?"

"Oh um, I just wanted to know if you would.. Maybe, like to go out with me tonight?" I asked, hoping for the best.

"Yea, actually I'm free at eight"

"Ok, ill pick you up, maybe we can go to the movies then out to dinner."

"Yea that would be great!"

"See you tonight" I said hugging her.

(Read first book)

Falling back in love | sequel to 'The new babysitter' | E.D.Where stories live. Discover now