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I laid down on Ethan's dorm bed as he washed the blood of his hands.

"you didn't have to do that for me"

"Wasn't gonna let him hurt you either!" He spat. What?

"I know you wouldn't have, thank you, I'm sorry I didn't know you all would be there"

"Never said I didn't want you to be there"

I rolled my eyes taking a deep breath.

"Just trying to make conversation" I said in a harsh but sarcastic way.

"I better Lea-" he cut me off.

"No Ashley, you're not leaving, because I can't do this anymore, I can't sit around here waiting for you to come back when you aren't, I've tried dating but it's not the same as when I'm with you! And I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry, for everything ." He said running his hands though his hair.

Ethan's pov:

I wanted to tell her, I wanted to tell her that what she heard isn't true, that all these things that are keeping us apart aren't true. In reality if I told her that all I would get in return is bullshit.

Her lips were slightly parted, taking in all the words that were said seconds before.

"Say something"

"Ethan, you know we can't do this"

"That's because you are so distant and you can't even try to forgive me" I said sadly. "And I know you think I cheated but I didn't, I couldn't do that you.. Or any woman." I wanted so bad for us to Atleast be okay. Atleast okay.


(I honestly feel so bad for Ethan in this story, basically if you didn't understand (ETHAN NEVER CHEATED), what happened actually was Ashley thought he cheated and if he claimed he didn't then Ashley would think he's even more of a liar:( be sure to keep on reading:) you never know Ashley and Ethan may just end up together!!;) but maybe not,

Not entirely sure how this book is gonna go but I'm working on it... And I'll be sure to update more!! )

Falling back in love | sequel to 'The new babysitter' | E.D.Where stories live. Discover now