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I picked up my stuff remembering last night, I never wanted to see him again, he was a cheater, a liar.

I got up glancing at Grace, she was taking off her apron while looking in the mirror. She was wearing red lipstick and shimmery eyeshadow making her look heavy with makeup.

I pursed my lips as he hugged her. It didn't hurt anymore. Just the thought he was trying to hurt me. But that all the same, didn't hurt.

"Wanna go take a walk?" I asked Owen smiling.

"Yea, let's go"

I glanced at Ethan. He was looking at me. Just like he would have two years ago.

I grabbed on Owen's hand leading him to the door.

Ethan's POV:

She was playing with me.

I looked at her and she intwined her fingers with his.

They started walking towards the door when I grabbed onto grace, and kissed her, it wasn't a light kiss, but it was a intense and desperate.

I wanted to make  Ashley think  that I didn't care about her anymore.

Because that was obviously what she was doing.

Ashley's POV:

He kissed Grace as I walked by. Why is he trying so hard? I obviously don't love him anymore, and to tell you the truth I don't think I was really ever  'in love' with him.

I walked out rolling my eyes at his childish behavior, he didn't seriously think I still had feelings for him after two years. Thinking I don't have a life. Fuck him.

The rest of the day was spent with Owen in the park hanging out.

Falling back in love | sequel to 'The new babysitter' | E.D.Where stories live. Discover now