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I start to walk away as the tears threaten to come out. I know it's so cliché to run away from your date but I couldn't stay. I needed to find Matt. I know he gave me STDs. He's the last person I had sex with.

The last two years have been like walking through hell for me and now I have this. What the fuck.

"Ashley!" I look back and as I see Ethan the tears come out, he had pity and it made me even more sad.

My tears glide down my cheek as he runs towards me. I can't speak. Nothing. No words. Just the sound of my muffled crying.

He wraps his arms around me and I don't want him to let go. I'm done pushing him away, I needed somebody, and I swear him being in my life was gonna change that.

"What happened" he kisses my forehead.

"I'm sorry" I cry. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking" the words come out but my voice is breaking so much.

"No don't be sorry" he comforts me.

I cry some more.

"We were so close" every word is full of sorrow. Every word is the truth. " we were just about to get back in good terms and I let Matthew fuck me" I cry.

His face goes pale.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." My voice is low.

"No Ashley, tell me why your crying."

"I.. I" I want to say it but my lips can't form words. " have S..S..TDs" I cry into his shoulder.

His face fills with anger as he hears my words.

"What's wrong I ask"

"Fuck it, just fuck it Ash, it's my fucking fault!" He Is angry but tears are forming in his eyes.

"Tell me" I say in a confident voice.

"Fine" he lets out a breath. "When I first met you, I thought you were one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen. When you would leave I would always invite a few friends over. Matt, Aaron, and Nate. I would showed them your pictures, of course they all agreed to you being hot, anyways, Matt told me that he could fuck you first. I said I didn't give a fuck and that I wasn't gonna play any games." His jaw was clenched and his Knuckles were white from being in a fist. "Matt just said he could get you any day. I thought he was joking... Ashley" I looked at him as I said a few tears on his cheeks.


"He did it on fucking purpose" his voice was low. "He gave you STDs because he wanted to mark you. Scar you." His eyes watered as he hugged me.

I grabbed his shirt getting his attention I connected my lips with his.


I love matt but I wanted a twist to this so don't hate...ily guys so much thx

Falling back in love | sequel to 'The new babysitter' | E.D.Where stories live. Discover now