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Ethan's POV:

I look at Ashley as the knot that's in my throat continues to get bigger.

"Um ah, I'll be right back." I wipe the tear away that has been threatening to come out for the last 30 seconds.  Maybe I should just give up, I mean she doesn't love me so I don't see why I keep trying. I think I'm just gonna live alone, from now on, I'm gonna live in my white apartment alone. Then I'll call Gray when I feel lost, he's always been there for me no matter how much I don't want to admit it, it's the truth.

I look at my reflection in the mirror and start to cry, I wish I could be better for her so she would love me, but I'm not and she doesn't love me, or deserve me, that's also the truth.

I walk out of the bathroom obviously not caring about my appearance.

Ashley is curled up in the sand. Her legs are pulled up to her chest and she's biting her nails. Fuck, not a good "damn fuckkk" but a "she has pity for me fuck."

"Ethan.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean any of that, I'm serious, I was just frustrated, but I lo-.. I'm sorry Ethan I never meant to hurt you, that's honestly the last thing I would want to do" she kept repeating what she was trying to get to but in different words. She held out her arms looking down. "I'm so sorry, do you, do you maybe wanna go out next weekend? I mean we could talk, or figure things out, and we also could catch up, on stuff ?" She smiled. I nodded hugging her back. There is no such thing as me saying no to such a question.

"Sure" the frown on my face breaks into a grin.

Falling back in love | sequel to 'The new babysitter' | E.D.Where stories live. Discover now