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(I was camping and they had no internet so I'm sorry:(  (but vote if you want)

Ethan's POV:

I smile back pretending as if I were joking, fuck, I wasn't, he touched her, he knew how much I loved her and how hard it was when she left me. Then he goes and does this shit.

I sigh.

"Hey, I'll be back in a few hours, I have some work I have to do" more like torture. He was gonna pay for this, I don't give a fuck if we were best friends when we were five. He touches my Ashley, he gets what he deserves.

My warming smile leaves my face as I walk out to my car. This bitch better fucking hide.

I slam onto the gas as my hands grip the steering wheel tightly, knuckles turning white.

I pull into the parking lot of the frat house. I slam the door running inside, room 163.

I open the door to the room to see him sitting on his bed watching fucking porn.

"What the fuck!" I yell.

"Fuck, Ethan, hey"he's drunk. "shit!" He closes his computer.

"Why the fuck would you hurt Ashley?! She's the only goddamn girl in this mother fucking world that I ever truly loved and you ruined her!" I slam my fist in his face.

He cringes and I punch him again.

"What the fuck" he groans.

"Shut the fuck up you gave her fucking STDs you bitch!"

"The bitch fuckin wanted it" he better shut his damn mouth before I fuck his face up.

"Shut up prick!"

"What the fuc-" Nash.

"Get out" I warn. He walks away without a word.

"Tell me exactly what happened!" I spit.

"We fucked"

"Fuck you!"

"There was a chain, and a dick, and a pussy.. It was good" square up bitch.

"You had her on a fucking Chain!" I yell.

"Eh I got 200 dollars"

"Who!" I demand. "Who told you to?"

"It was at a club, I got to choose a girl."

"So you chose my fucking Ash" I'm almost in tears.

"Ya fuck you, I got a tape and eve-"

"You fucking recorded it!" I'm almost on top of him.


"Give me the fucking tape and anything that belongs to her!"

"Fuck you"

"Now!" He unplugs the chip from his computer and hands it over.

"Now your never going near her again!" I yell. " and I'm getting  the police involved" I spit.

He starts to beg but I slam the door in his face.

Now I need to figure out why Ashley didn't tell me the truth. All I want from her.

Falling back in love | sequel to 'The new babysitter' | E.D.Where stories live. Discover now