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I walked past the familiar girl seeing if I could get a small glance at her.

I stood by the bathroom looking at her, I couldn't see her face but she had long blonde hair and she was dressed up in a leather jacket.

I looked at her a few more seconds.

I know I know her.

It just didn't make sense, how can I know who she is but not know her, or maybe I did know her.
Or my brain was just lying to me.

I decided to go with the second option.

"Ashley it's a project that you didn't start yet!" the boy said laughing loud enough for me to hear.

Ashley. Fuck.

I walked back over to our table trying to make eye contact. I don't know if she still ever thinks about me.fuck.

She had a date.

I stopped at her table, this might be my only chance before she leaves again..

"Ashley!" I said excitedly smiling brightly at her.

She gave me a confused look then her face lit up.


"Oh my gosh I haven't seen you in.. How long has it been, two years." I said smiling.

She smiled standing up extending her arms.

I hugged her as she began to speak.

"This is Owen, he was nice enough to bring me out here on a date tonig-"

"Who is this" fuck.

I forgot I was here with Grace.

"Oh yeah this is Ashley"

"Yeah but who is this"

"Oh we're just old friends"

Ashley gave me a confused look as she slowly sat back down, all the emotion had left her face replaced with what looked like embarrassment and sadness.

"Owen" she said quietly looking at him. "Are you ready to go?"

Falling back in love | sequel to 'The new babysitter' | E.D.Where stories live. Discover now