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"Fuuuuuckkk" he said as a group of guys walked in.

I jumped off his lap standing up as we both tried to look innocent for the group.

"Who's this?" One asked.

"Oh, this is Ashley, she's a friend of mine" as much as that wasn't supposed to hurt, it hurt.

"Aye girl, you single?" Another asked.

"Na" Ethan cut in.

"Yea I am." I said as I fought back the smile trying to spread on my face. I liked how Ethan was fighting for me. Damn.

"Lit, wanna go out?"

"The fuck, she ain't interested!" Ethan said pulling my arm towards him.

I smiled letting all the shame go away.

"I guess not" I say laughing.

The boy laughed giving me a wink. "Anyways, I'm Ja-, I'm G call me Jack G, that's Jack J."

"I'm Aaron"


"Oh hi, I'm Shawn, remember me?"

I blinked a few times trying to trace back memories to any day  I could have spent with him.

"When you too first met"  a huge smile came on my face as I remember Shawn, the one who stood up for me when Ethan wasn't "his best". I hugged him as I say " it's been so long!"

He smiles answering "I know" I look around to see a few people I still haven't heard the names of yet.

"And who are you guys?"






They all say there names in line as I nod and smile at all of them.

"Nice to meet you all"

"So what are you guys doing here?" Ethan cuts in.

"Well we were gonna go boarding, but I understand if you wanna fuck fir-"Ethan cut him off.

"Shut the fuck up, we will come" he looks over at me.

"Do you wanna go?"

"Ahh, sure"

I smiled saying that I'll be back in 10 minutes.

I walked inside my dorm grabbing my white bikini from VS pink.
I slip it on grabbing my coverup and my sunglasses.

Ethan's Pov:

I got into the car grabbing my board and one for Ashley, I had on my pink trunks and my black shades. I feel cool.

"Hey hunnysweets" I say as Ashley gets in the car, I sit in the back next to Cameron and scoot to the middle, too many fuckboys trying to get on my lady.

"Heyy" she says smiling, something about the way she's been acting lately just isn't the same, like she's not fully charged, I just wish I new this stuff cause I don't like to see her like this.

"I got a board." I say puckering my lips at her, she shows affection by doing the same back to me, sadly, we don't kiss, but I wouldn't say she ain't interested. Like Gilinsky would always say, I got the pussy. Not quite, but it's only been a week so I need to give it time.

We drove into the lot of the beach. I grabbed my board jumping out of  the car, I turned around to help Ash out, yes, I'm working on being a man.

"Thank you" she says smiling as she begins to speak.

"Damn it's so fucking hot out." I nod my head agreeing with her as she takes off her cover-up, Hot. Damn.fuck she got really nice curves, the last time I saw her without anything really on was back then two years ago, now she's more of a woman, and let's just say, some people get struck so hard by puberty.

I tried to look away, but my eyes just  slide back to the hot ass body in front of me. Fuck.

"C'mon bitches, let's go" Carter says in the most girliest voice ever.

I'm looking at a sign as I see Ashley is ahead of me with the boys.

"Fuck my life." I say as I run ahead to my lov- lovers"

I get onto the board as I hit my first wave, today the waves are pretty tame so it isn't too hard for me to impress my bitch.

"Ethaaannnn, fuckkk, how do you do this?" She whines  laughing .

"Here I'll help."

I walk over ready to teach her something, to be honest I don't think I'm gonna get to far from what I've seen from her so far.

"So you gotta get on the board, Neal down, then you wanna slowly stand up, also make sure that your Knees are blended, and that your not staring at my ass.

Her head flung up, she let out a laugh and swatted at me, I grabbed her hand and Rose my finger to my mouth.

She got on to her board, squatting down, I slapped my hand on her ass causing her to let out a Yelp.

"I swear Ethan!" She said lunging in the water at me. She went up behind me grabbing onto my back and jumping onto it.

"Fuuuuuck, someone save me" I say sarcastically. She smiles but then it fades when she splashes me with water and runs out of the pool away from me. I take a second to take in what that little savage just did, fuck.
I try running through the water to catch up with her but by the time I'm by the shore I look up to see her talking to a random guy by the bathrooms.

Falling back in love | sequel to 'The new babysitter' | E.D.Where stories live. Discover now