Chapter 3

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Lena stared at the clothes that she had been provided with after she recovered. There was a plaid skirt like the ones Serena and Rose had been wearing, a v neck t-shirt with a picture of bright red lips and blindingly sharp white teeth set against a black background. She sighed and slipped them on.

The skirt was a lot shorter than she usually wore skirts, and she felt very exposed. The shirt was the tiniest bit too tight. And she was freezing. Serena and Rose told her that she only had to wear the uniform skirts and certain shirts that you could order to your room in your size for the week during school days.

Do they even have heat here? It seemed like the middle ages where she had been staying in the bottom of the school, all stone and bricks. She pulled on the last article of clothing, a dark red sweatshirt, the color of dried blood. That kept her a bit warmer on the top. Lena stepped into tall boots and zipped them up the sides, sighing.

Apparently she was a Vampire, and this was the only safe place for girl Vampires, there was a school for the boys too. Rose and Serena had given her a schedule. She looked at the schedule now:

Half Moon School: a safe haven for Vampires

First Period: Dining Hall

Second Period: History

Third Period: Powers

Fourth Period: Control

Fifth Period: Dining Hall

Sixth Period: Training

Seventh Period: Personal Powers

Eighth Period: Dining Hall

Ninth Period: Dorm

From Serena and Rose for Lena

"So, I guess I should get to History." as Lena walked off she realized she had absolutely no idea of where she should go, because she had absolutely no idea of where she was. She had taken the elevator upstairs, where it was much more modern with a bunch of flatscreens flashing different things, and she was feeling very overwhelmed at all the girls pushing past her in identical skirts and boots.

"Hi! I'm Ashley, are you Lena?" A girl of about twelve was looking at her. She had light brown hair, a bit darker than Lena's, blue eyes, was Lena's height- about 5'2", and had dip dyed the ends of her hair bright pink.

"Yeah, I am. Why did you want to know?"

"Because I'm showing you around." She hooked her arm in Lena's and pulled her into the rushing crowd of girls. "So, what's your first class?"

"Uh, it's History." Lena said, showing her the schedule.

Ashley clicked her teeth together just like Lena did, then bit her lip, drawing a bit of blood. "Whoops!" She licked her lips, then continued, "Wow. That's going be a loooong walk. Come on! You don't want to be late. Ugh, History is the one class I just can't stand. And it's so far away. Okay we have three mini buildings to cross, got it? One, two, three, RUN!"

Lena got the odd sensation that she was not really running, but being dragged behind Ashley, floating. When she looked down, it turned out she really was getting pulled behind her in the air. "Like it? That's my Power, I can fly! Anyone with me can do it to, but it uses a lot of energy." Lena nodded queasily, pretending she liked it.

"Okay, this is not the professor you want to get in trouble with, got it? Good! So don't get in trouble!" They were nearing the classroom, "Good luck!" They stepped through the door, and Lena was surprised to see that the classroom looked a lot like a normal human school classroom. "Professor Multunich, this is your new student, Lena." Ashley announced.

A man with a almost bald head turned around and did a pointed-teeth smile at her, then pointed a crooked and (ugh) slightly hairy finger at a seat. Soon other Vampires began to arrive.

"Turn to page 731 in your History textbooks! Now!" Professor Multunich barked, and handed Lena an old and battered textbook. She turned to page 731, and Professor Multunich said, "Lena, read."

Lena began to read out loud. "Not out loud! I said read the book!" a few titters went around the room, but Professor Multunich silenced them with one look. So Lena read (silently this time):

Before Humans, there were us, the Vampires and our mortal enemies, Werewolves. The Vampires lived alone, or in a small family, but no larger than four Vampires were typically in a family. No big packs like Werewolves. They lived in peace, killing other Vampires when they needed, but mostly eating Werewolves and animals. Each Vampire has a special Power, sometimes passed down over generations, and sometimes just popping up. The first human came around 700 B.H. (Before Humans). Atuck was roaming the forests looking for food. She heard a wailing, and found a human baby girl. She went against her instincts, which were telling her to simply eat the baby. Instead, she picked it up and raised it as her own. At 711 A.H. (After Humans, it being the first one) it abandoned her. Atuck was so angry she cast a spell, her Power being Magic, she could do this, that all of Humans thereafter would be hated by Vampires. She said, "Let the one who abandoned me be hated to every inch of its skin by every Vampire!"

"Does every Vampire hate Humans?" a few kids put their hands up, "Ebony."

The girl named Ebony stood and said, "No, only a full Vampire. That's because the half Vampires here are half Vampire half Human and if you hated part of yourself then you would kill yourself."

"Good answer. Anyone else?" No hands surfaced. "Very well." He said disapprovingly, "I want the rest of this chapter read by tomorrow, so lets see, page 731 to page 749. That's your homework you must have read it to participate in the discussion we are going to have on the beginning of Humans tomorrow. See you tomorrow and do your homework. You are dismissed."

Lena stayed sitting, then walked up to Professor Multuich. "Can I keep this book?"

"Until end of the semester, yes." he barked, "Now, shoo shoo! I have another class to talk to and work to do!" Lena got the message, quickly thanked him, and scurried out of the room.


lalala hi guys i hope you like this!! sorry for all of the differences in length of the chapters, i'l try to fix that later if i can. VOMMMENTTTTTOOO!


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