Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

After taking the time to gather everything that would be needed, they closed off the kitchen with the sliding doors. Quoim quickly took to measuring and mixing everything, along with Lena doing a bit. Soon, they had a sticky red paste clumped at the bottom of the bowl.

“Umm... is that supposed to happen? Like, get all sticky and stuck together and everything?” Lena questioned her friend.

“Uh, well, to tell the truth, no. But, if we just add some... some of this...” Quoim took a large carton of some pale pink powder and dumped about half of it in. She mixed it in with the giant spatula they had been using, and the blood pudding started to look like red dirt.

“Maybe... maybe that was a little too much...” Quoim said carefully. She took a bag of powdery green stuff and tapped a few times so some of it came out. They stirred it again, and the blood pudding was finally starting to look more like a pudding.

“That looks better.” Lena said.

“Much.” Quoim’s voice was very relieved.

A few more minutes later, they poured the blood pudding into cups sitting on the counter top. Lena’s elbow knocked into something white on the counter, and it spilled into most of the cups. “Uhh, Quoim? I just spilled something into the cups.”

“I think it should be fine.” Quoim reassured her. She slid the cups on a clear glass tray under and into their SunBake395. A SunBake395 is a Vampire stove that runs on sunlight. “We’ll come back soon. Just about thirty minutes.”

*  *  *

Just about ten minutes later, however, they heard a splintering sound, like one glass breaking, only amplified and then shooting everywhere. They rushed into the kitchen, only to find everything was fine. It was in just the same mess they had left it in. The sun was beating down on the small humming golden stove, only- there went another splintering sound, and then a crash.

Quoim rapped on the stove two times, and the golden paint melted away from the top, to be replaced by clear glass that they could see through. Blood pudding dripped down from the top, shards of glass stuck in it. Huge bubbles were erupting pieces of glass, and there were four still standing Another one exploded, so that another thin layer of blood pudding was coating the walls. But it wasn’t that thin anymore, because it had started to thicken and turn to crust.

“How the fuck do you turn this thing off?” Quoim yelled frantically.

Nadine came rushing in and looked around frantically, “What’s happening?”

“Why is there glass in there? What’s happening? Are we dying?” Gabrielle then proceeded to faint.

“Are there Werewolves? Oh no! Gabrielle! They killed her!” Sorren started yelling, too.

Quoim put her head in her hands. Sorren started running around, then tripped over the SunBake395, because it was only about three feet tall. The SunBake395 flipped onto its side and the door swung open. A rush of hot air came up at them. The glass was now on the floor, and, as another cup exploded, there was blood pudding splattering the walls. “Ow!” Sorren wailed, he had touched the stove.

“What’s happening in here?” Lauren’s head appeared, and then the rest of her body.

“Umm... we made you blood pudding!” Quoim smiled.

“And can that explain why the stove is on the ground, there’s glass and blood everywhere, Sorren thinks Werewolves are here, and Gabrielle is out cold?”

“Yes...” Quoim said meekly.

“Oh, really?”

“Well, umm...”

Lena cut in front of Quoim, “We were making blood pudding for you, and then I knocked something into it. The blood pudding cups exploded, and then Nadine came in. After Nadine, Garbriel came and and thought that the glass inside the SunBake395 had cut Quoim and it was her blood, Sorren thought that she was killed by Werewolves because she had fainted and everyone was freaked out. Then Sorren ran around here and tripped on the SunBake, and that’s basically it.” Lena summed up.

“I see.” Lauren said, frowning.

“But there’s one left!” Quoim pointed out unhelpfully.

“Oh, yes. One left.” Lauren said in a high voice, “But just look at this kitchen!”

“Yes, I do see it…” Quoim mumbled.

“Clean it up, Quoim. I want it all cleaned up. And Lena can help if she wants. You’ve got two sectors, and I want it done.”

“What is a sector?” Lena asked when they had all gone.

“Umm... like eightish minutes.”

“So... we have eight minutes, and then we have eight more, so we have sixteen minutes.”

“Which is never going to help in cleaning this mess up!”

“We can try I guess!”

Quoim only groaned, and set to work.

The week had flashed by quickly without anything else very traumatic, and Lena always found something new to entertain herself with.

After having an awesome meal of blood-related things, Lena and Quoim climbed into bed.

“This is so awesome, Quoim. Why wasn’t I born into a family like this?” Lena thought out loud.

“You really think it’s that awesome? Exploding blood pudding. Cleaning up the kitchen. Messing with the SunDial. Oh, who’s idea was it to bake us alive because they touched the heat control? Smashing that vase. Oh, okay, I’ll admit it, mom already hated it so it was sort of funny when we knocked it out of the window...”

“Yeah, well, that’s all my idea of fun!” Lena remarked cheerily.

“Great,” Quoim grunted, “See you in the morning.”

AUTHORS NOTE: ugh id update more but im tiredddd. Ill try to do more updates this week because im on break. Should I do updates from where Calista is too? Comment your opinion below! And thanks for almost 14k reads omfg I get so excited every time I see my reads. VOTE COMMENT & FAN!



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