Chapter 1: Helicopter

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Myungsoo walked out of his house with a smile on his face. "GOOD MORNING KOREA!" he shouted, making the neighbors stare at the strange 7 year old boy. Myungsoo turned to them and smiled. "Annyeonghaseyo, Shin Hye noona and Yonghwa hyung!" Myungsoo said and waved to the young couple neighbors. "Aish, look at that naughty kid, acting like we're close." Yonghwa said, annoyed as Myungsoo walked away cheerfully. Shin Hye giggled. "Let him be. It's quite amusing." said Shin Hye. Yonghwa turned to Shin Hye and pouted. "You sure do love seeing me suffer, don't you?" asked Yonghwa. Shin Hye started to laugh so hard. "What's so funny?" asked Yonghwa. He turned his head to where Shin Hye was looking at and his eyes widened. Myungsoo was sneakily picking up flowers from their lawn. "I see you, you little brat!" Yonghwa shouted. Myungsoo dropped the flower he picked up, scared. He instantly ran away. The young couple just sighed and went back in their house. Ah, what a troublemaker Myungsoo was.

"Soojung!!!!!!" Myungsoo shouted as he ran to Soojung who was waiting patiently in the bus stop. Soojung waved with a smile. "I was going to pick up flowers from Yonghwa hyung and Shin Hye noona's lawn today and give them to you, but Yonghwa hyung caught me!" Myungsoo complained. Soojung giggled. "It's fine. I have something to give you." said Soojung. "Bwo? Aniyo. It's usually the boy who gives, you don't have to!" said Myungsoo. Soojung ignored Myungsoo and started fishing in her backpack. "Soojung I said no-" Myungsoo got caught off as Soojung pulled out a toy helicopter with a remote. Hearts were in Myungsoo's eyes. "A... a toy helicopter!" Myungsoo said, overjoyed. "Mm. That's right. You always give me something nice in the mornings while we're waiting for the bus, so I decided to do pay you back." said Soojung. Myungsoo took the toy helicopter and stared at it in awe. "It's so cool!" said Myungsoo with a smile. Then a realization hit Myungsoo. His smile disappeared. "What's wrong?" asked Soojung. Myungsoo turned to Soojung with an upset frown. "But.. all I give you are flowers, cute cards, and old worn out barbies my mother keeps from her childhood! Compared to this helicopter you gave me, all I give you are nothing." said Myungsoo sadly. Soojung chuckled. "Aniyo. To me, your flowers, cards and creepy barbies are just as much as that helicopter, Myungsoo." said Soojung. "Wae?" asked Myungsoo. "Because... umm... because they're from you!" said Soojung. The bus arrived. "Oh! The bus is here! Let's sit together, ok, Soojung?" asked Myungsoo. "Sure." said Soojung. Myungsoo put the helicopter in his bag and ran inside the bus.

"Jooheon! Jooheon! Look at my super cool helicopter!" said Myungsoo to his seatmate, Jooheon, as lunch time came. Jooheon looked curiously as Myungsoo pulled out his helicopter from his bag. "Whoa! It's so cool!" said Jooheon. Myungsoo nodded. "It sure is!" he said. "Where'd you get this from? Did your parents buy it for you?" asked Jooheon as he held Myungsoo's helicopter in curiosity. "Aniyo. Soojung gave it to me this morning." said Myungsoo. "That girl sure is rich. You're lucky. C'mon, let's fly this thing!" said Jooheon as he and Myungsoo ran to the school yard to fly their toy helicopter.

"Whoa! Look, a helicopter!" said a student in awe. All the other students turned their direction to the helicopter, they all gasped.




"Did you just say cool in Japanese?"

"I want one."

"How much are those things?"

"Why won't my parents buy me stuff like that?"

The students grumbled of jealousy and fascination as Jooheon and Myungsoo flew the helicopter. Soojung just giggled. She knew Myungsoo was going to show off his helicopter. Suddenly, the big fat bully, Jookwan, walked up to Myungsoo and Jooheon. "Yah!" he shouted at Myungsoo who was holding the remote. Jooheon flinched while Myungsoo just tilted his head in curiosity. "Hm... ?" asked Myungsoo. Soojung's expression turned scared. "Oh no.. !" she thought. Jookwan snatched the remote from Myungsoo. "Yah!" Myungsoo shouted, pissed. "This helicopter is mine now!" said Jookwan. Myungsoo clenched his fists. "Aniyo! It's not yours!" shouted Soojung. Everyone looked at Soojung in surprise. "Bwo?! What are you saying?! Girl with the dolphin sibling!" said Jookwan and laughed. "Don't talk about Sooyeon unnie like that! And plus, my father bought that helicopter, and I gave it to Myungsoo! So it's not yours!" said Soojung angrily. "Why this...." Jookwan clenched his fists. He threw the helicopter on the ground and stepped on it. Jooheon gasped. "Yah! My helicopter!" Myungsoo said in despair as he knelt down and looked at the broken pieces of his helicopter. Tears flowed down his eyes. "This was the 1 time Soojung gave a gift to me..." he mumbled. Jookwan approached Soojung and pushed her. "Ow! Yah, have you got no attitude?!" Soojung asked angrily. She pushed Jookwan back. The students gasped. Nobody has ever defended themselves when Jookwan bullied them. Jookwan gritted his teeth. "Stop acting so strong! You weak girl!" Jookwan said and punched Soojung a few times on the shoulder. "Aghhh!" Soojung groaned in pain. Myungsoo saw what Jookwan did and ran to them. "HOW DARE YOU PUNCH MY BEST FRIEND?!" Myungsoo yelled as he punched Jookwan in the face. "Fistfight!" the students yelled and cheered. Soojung just stared in horror. "Ani... Myungsoo, don't!" she shouted. But Myungsoo and Jookwan were already beating each other up. "What is going on here?!" shouted the teacher as he saw Myungsoo and Jookwan punching each other.

"Tell me, Myungsoo, why did you punch Jookwan?" asked the principal as Myungsoo, Jookwan and Soojung were brought to the principal's office. "He punched Soojung first. And I got mad." mumbled Myungsoo. "Is it true that you punched Soojung, Jookwan?" asked the principal to Jookwan. "No!" lied Jookwan. The principal sighed. "Lying is bad, don't you know that, Myungsoo?" asked the principal. "I'm not lying!" said Myungsoo. Soojung put her head up. "He really isn't, principal." said Soojung. The principal cleared his throat. "Well, whatever misunderstanding happened between you guys, apologize to each other quickly. Especially you, Myungsoo, apologize to Jookwan!" Said the principal. Myungsoo looked at the principal with an upset face. "Me?! Apologize?! But I didn't start it!" Defended Myungsoo. The principal was about to say something, but Soojung stood up.

"Juseonghabnida. This kind of misunderstanding won't happen again." Said Soojung. Myungsoo gasped. "Soojung-ah.." He mumbled.

The principal adjusted his glasses. "Well, I'm glad you apologized properly, Soojung. You are a good girl. One with manners atleast." Said the principal. "Ani..." Soojung jabbed Myungsoo in the stomach. "Ow! What'd you do that for?!" Exclaimed Myungsoo.

It was the end of school. Soojung and Myungsoo waited in the bus stop together.

"That, Soojung-ah.." Myungsoo trailed off.

"What is it? That you need to say to me."

"Why did you.. Apologize?"

Soojung sighed.

"Can't be helped, can it? Jookwan's parents are richer than mine and basically own the school. We're nothing compared to him."

"Ani, but... Do we really have to be put down like this?"

"I'm sure you can survive just by ignoring it. Bullying isn't a big deal."

"Oh, and Soojung-ah.."

"What is it now?"

"About the helicopter.."

"Ah, that, sorry about your helicopter. I can just buy you a new one, besides, the old one was kinda ugly anyway."

"I mean... You don't have to."

"Wae? Why don't I have to? Myungsoo, you're my best friend, and I just want to thank you for being that. So really, thank you."


"Ohh~~ are you speechless? Hehe~~"

"Let's go home now!! The bus is taking so long!!"

Finally, the bus came. "Let's go home now!!" Shouted Myungsoo happily as he held Soojung's hand, going in the bus.

And just as usual, another day of Soojung and Myungsoo's life has passed.


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