Chapter 4: Stalker

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HOLY SHIT KAISTAL IS DATING! GUYS I DID NOT FUCKING EXPECT THAT JKRFSLKGHDKGH I SHIP KAISTAL AND I'M SO... SHOCKED! OH MY GOD! condolence to myungsoo, who's probs heartbroken XD. but... now that kaistal is dating... MYUNGSOO WILL DATE SOMEONE ELSE TOO! and i cant picture him dating anyone else other than krystal :'( its ok, lang poreber, break din silang kaistal XD. anywayz even thought kaistal is dating that doesn't mean im putting kai in the story, like, ewh. no! XD this story is already fine without kaiiii. or that might just be an april fools joke, those kaistal dating news i mean. ehh. GET ON WITH THE STORY!!


"SCHOOL'S OVER!!!" Myungsoo cheered as the class ended, and he and Soojung walked out the school. Soojung yawned. "Ah, I've been more like my sister lately. I just wanna go home and sleep!" she said as she stretched her arms. "Me too. I wanna go to your house and sleep in your comfy bed. Let's sleep together, Soojung-ah!" Myungsoo said mindlessly. Soojung kicked him in the leg. "OW! WHAT DID I DO?!" Myungsoo yelled as he held his leg. "Are you crazy?! People could misunderstand what you just said!" said Soojung.

"Ah, bweoya, sleeping together... yah! I didn't mean it that way! You dirty minded girl!"

"Ah, forget it! I'm gonna go buy myself some ice cream, and then wait for my dad. You go off to your bus stop."

"Tsk. Fine!" said Myungsoo. He watched as Soojung walked away and pouted. "Whaa, I did not expect this day where my best friend and I would start drifting apart." said Myungsoo. He kicked a stone and made his way to the bus stop.


"I'm home!" said Myungsoo as he entered in his precious home. He shaked off his shoes and sat on the sofa. "Aigoo, now that I'm home, what should I do anyway?" he wondered to himself. Then he remembered.

"That's my phone number. Give it a ring, ok?" Suzy said and winked as she walked away.  

"Oh, that's right! Suzy's phone number!" Myungsoo said as he went up to his room, grabbing the piece of paper with digits on it. 

"Pick up, pick up..." Myungsoo mumbled while playing with the cardboard helicopter Soojung got him. "Hello?" someone finally picked it up. "Oh, is this Suzy?" asked Myungsoo. "Ahaha. Yes, this is Suzy." said Suzy.


"UNNIE UNNIE UNNIE UNNIE UNNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Soojung shouted as she ran down the stairs. Sooyeon scoffed, annoyed. "Ah, what is it now?!" she asked, irritated. "Kris oppa called, and he said TO WATCH OUT FOR A STALKER!!!" shouted Soojung, shaking her sister. 

"A stalker? Pfft. Nothing to worry about, Stal. I know exactly who he's talking about." said Sooyeon and giggled. "Bweoya? Are you guys keeping secrets from me?!" asked Soojung, annoyed. Sooyeon snickered while slurping her ramen.


"WHAT ARE YOU GETTING SO AFRAID FOR?! Your super unnie, Sooyeon, is here to protect you~~"

"It's a stalker for crying out loud!"

"What can a mere stalker do to the sister of Jung Jessica? I'll beat him up real hard, no worries! Besides, he might be here right now in this house---"

Suddenly, someone fell down from the stairs. "IT'S THE STALKER!!!" Soojung shouted and jumped on the couch, behind Sooyeon. "What the--" Sooyeon got cut off as the so-called "stalker" stood up. "Stalker?! In your dreams, it's just Myungsoo! Myungsoo!" the "stalker", now known as Myungsoo, spoke up. Soojung peeked from behind Sooyeon's shoulder. "Oh it is you, Soosoo. How'd you get inside?" asked Soojung. "Bwo?! Soosoo?! What a stupid nickname.. aish! Never mind that! I climbed unto your balcony!" said Myungsoo.

"You climbed unto my balcony?! Omo, unnie this isn't good. We have to block off the balcony at all costs so the stalker can't get in--"

"What, stalker?! That's so unbelievable! Besides, who would even stalk you anyway, pfft."

Soojung sneered. "Do you have to be like that?" she mumbled. "Anyways, SOOJUNG-AH HELP ME PLEASE!!!" Myungsoo said and got on his knees. "He's a crazy bastard, unnie." whispered Soojung to Sooyeon.

"Ah bwoya?! What do you need help with?"

"Well... you see... uh... WHAT TO DO ON A FIRST DATE?"




"Oh, is this Suzy?"

"Ahaha. Yes, this is Suzy."

"Suzy!! It's me, Myungsoo, you know, that one birthday boy."

"Yeah, I know."

"Ahaha, glad to see you do. So.... I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Why'd you give me your phone number?"


"D-don't laugh! I'm really, curious, here."

"Because I like you."

"..... eh?"

"I said it's because I like you."

".... why?"

"Because I just do! Hahaha.."

"You.. like me?"

"Yes, I like you. Let's date!"


"This Saturday, amusement park, 12:00 PM. See you, new boyfie!"

"I didn't say ye-"

And then she hanged up.


"HAHAHA! You're such a loser!" Krystal laughed and mocked Myungsoo. "Don't blame me! I may be handsome, but I've never had a girlfriend!" said Myungsoo, panicked. (A/N I was gonna put a gif of myungsoo being panicked but when i searched up gifs of him.. i can't bare to look at his face without feeling sorry. KRYSTAL IS DATING KAI AND UHUHUH MYUNGSOO IS SO PITIFUL ;-;)

"Just be yourself and enjoy, dude! Having a love life is precious, and you wouldn't want to waste it!" said Soojung. Then, a light bulb turned on above Myungsoo's head. "I have an idea!" he said.


"KIM MYUNGSOO ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Soojung yelled as she threw a bunch of pillows at Myungsoo. "OW! OUCH! ARAY! STOP THROWING PILLOWS, YOU WENCH!" yelled Myungsoo, ducking another pillow Soojung threw. "Play nice, kids!" yelled Sooyeon, who was just watching TV. "No way. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WAY AM I GOING ON A DOUBLE DATE WITH YOU, SUZY AND MINHYUK! I'D RATHER DIE! I HAVE COMMITMENT TO JIHOON SEONSANGNIM ANYWAY!" yelled Soojung. "What commitment?! You're just an obsessive stalker!" Myungsoo ducked another pillow.

"Aish! Andwae! Find another girl!"

"Ah Soojung jebal... just this once!"

"Well, will you give me something if I do it?!"

"... what do you want?"

Soojung smiled at Myungsoo. "When we're at that amusement park, let's go to the haunted house together." said Soojung. "Why do you want that? You'll get scared and run away.." said Myungsoo. Soojung cackled evilly. "You'll see, Kim Myungsoo, you'll see..." she said, rubbing her hands together evilly.

"Yah, why do you want to go the haunted house together with Myungsoo?"

"Coz it's my dream to see him yelling like a scaredy cat. I'll bring a camera with me, then I'll blackmail him. Haha! Just you see, Kim Myungsoo!"


2 updates in 1 day! I am so proud! OuO and btw oh man i can't even look at myungstal gifs without being heartbroken :'( I SHIP KAISTAL BUT I HEV ALWAYS SHIPPED MYUNGSTAL MOREEEEEE. /le cries/ idk if I'll be in a good enough emotional state for this story XD joke~~ i can get over it. heuehueh

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