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"Whoa babe,incoming branch!" He yelled.
"What? Just then. BOOM! I got hit in the face with a tree branch.
" ugh." I said as he set me down.
"Babe,are you okay?
I looked into his big brown eyes.
" yes, I am fine." I said letting go of my eye.
"Babe,your eye!" He stepped closer to me. He placed his hand on my red eye.
"I know." I whispered and rolled my eyes.
"Babe,please don't be mad at me!" He said.
"I am NOT mad." I whispered and kissed his cheek.
"Good. Well its not going to be bruised. So thats good."
I chuckled and he placed his hands over my eyes.
I walked closer and closer to the surprise
"Can I open them yet?"
"No,one more step!"
I stepped closer and he grabbed my waist.
"Okay. Open." I felt his breath on my neck.
It sent shivers down my spine.
I opened my eyes and saw the play set that we kissed in when we were little.
I turned around and met my blue eyes with his brown eyes.
"I love you!"
"I love you too.
He placed his oink,soft lips on mine.
I tilted my head and smiled when he smacked my butt.
" stop." I whispered and kissed him again.
"No,I dont have t-"
Just then I saw someone standing behind James.
I cut him if and ran over to Drek.
" DREK!!!" I yelled.
"Hey,Sarah!" Drek yelled.
James rolled his eyes.
I gave Drek a hug.
"How have you been beautiful?"
I blushed and looked at James. Who was staring at us...HARD.
"Amazing, now." He winked.

Do you guys think James in jealous or mad that Drek stole his girl from him during a special moment?

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