Chapter 21 - Text Me

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"Again!" Nabi shouted as she sat in the front of the dance studio. "This time, do it with more of your individual personalities into it. Don't try to portray the sunbaes who sing the song. Put your own rythm into it and dance how you would dance. As for your vocals, it sounds amazing! So do it again and let's see if there is a difference." Nabi smiled.

The group she was currently training was currently doing a song by Jinusean. Nabi wanted to challenge them since they were all girls. They were being tough because the song was a song made by Jinusean. They were acting more like men rather than women. Nabi wasn't saying that girls can't do as good as boys, but these girls were doing so good where they started to sound and dance like men. She wanted to see power behind their performance. The power of a women.

"There it is. See what Maria is doing? That's her own stage presence when performing. She is showing true feminism through her movements and the way she sang the lyrics." Nabi said standing up and pointing at the group of girls who were out of breath. "There is already a Jinusean out there so there was no need for any of you to sing or dance like them. This is a man's world and we, as women, need to show that we can run it better than any man could ever. And because you're all artists, the way you voice your feminism is through your music, lyrics, dance movements and most importantly, stage presence! This is what needs to be displayed to get attention. This is what needs to be done to make it. Not only in Korea, but internationally as well." Nabi smiled proudly. "Okay young ladies, hit the locker rooms. Make sure to do those throat exercises I taught you guys to do every time after practice."

With that the girls bowed and exited the dance room with sweat dripping down their faces and down their necks. She took hold of the broom that sat tucked away in a small corner, and began to sweep the floor. She needed to clean the floor since she was the last one using the room. She was tired and it was already Friday. She was going to be driving back home tonight so she could hang out with her mom in the morning. She was arriving at her home late into the night but she'd be happy when she woke up and got to spend the whole day with her mom.

"You're still here?" Nabi looked over to the door and spotted President Yang standing there in his usual long sleeve shirt. "Aren't you going over to your mom's house?" He asked.

Nabi smiled. "The kids weren't getting it so I had to keep pushing them." She said speaking about the trainees. "What are you doing here uncle?" She asked.

"I'm always working late." He replied.

Nabi nodded. "That's why this company runs so smoothly." She sighed. "How's that situation with the company going?" Nabi asked.

"We're working on it. For now, just try and get along well with Jiyong. Right now, the only people talking are the people in the company. I need news articles and gossip pages. I believe in you." President Yang says putting a fist up. "Fighting." He smiled before exiting the room.

Nabi rolled her eyes. "That didn't help at all."

Nabi continued to clean the dance floor, picking up random clothes that were probably left behind from other dancers or idols. She left them on the chairs knowing that who ever owned those lost items would be back to retrieve them. After cleaning, she walked out of the dance studio and down the flights of stairs to reach the lobby area. As soon as she walked into the room where the trainees were at, she saw them all sitting in a circle harmonizing to a song Nabi knew really well. It was AKMU's Give Love and they were singing it amazingly. Nabi instinctively nodded her head along with the beat and at how amazing they sounded singing it together. She slowly approached them and watched from where she stood as they sang beautifully.

When they finished, Nabi clapped proudly. "That was amazing!" She smiled. "None of you were straining your voices either." She smiled while wiping a fake tear.

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