Chapter 52 -Last Day

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It was the last day for camping since everyone was going back to work on Monday. When Nabi woke up and did her morning routine, she headed straight to the table where breakfast was being served. Joo Won was standing a little bit away from the table with his hands in his pockets. He was waiting for Nabi to come. He felt too awkward around people he didn't know. So he was happy when he finally spotted her making her way to him with a smile.

"Oppa, you're up early." She smiles.

"Yeah. After breakfast, I have to go back already." Joo Won explained.

Nabi sighed sadly. "Why so early? You  got here late because of work, now you have to leave?"

"I have a meeting in China with one of the directors of the hospital branches in Hong Kong, so I have a flight there early tomorrow morning." Joo Won explained. "I was really happy I could make it here." He smiled.

Nabi shook her head. "You're not. I can tell you're not happy. You don't want to get married to her. Why are you going to do it?"

"You don't understand because it's a company agreement. An arrangement that happened between both famalies. If I don't comply, my dad will kick me out and all the work I put into the company would be thrown out the window." He explained.

"I know. I just want to make sure you're doing it because you want to and not because your parents decided that for you." Nabi sighed. "I want you to be happy." She smiled.

"I might be. Who knows? I might actually like her." Joo Won smiles. "I can tell from her photos that she's really pretty."

Nabi shook her head. "You never cared for looks. You always said Books over Looks and I belive that." She sighed. "Just make sure that if she hurts you in anyway I will make sure that the her beauty won't last long."

Joo Won eyed Nabi out. "Wow, that was a little scary. You're a changed person now that you're dating a dragon." He clicked his tongue while shaking his head in feigned disappointment. "You're probably going to be able to survive in jail."

Nabi rolled her eyes. "It's not like I can kill the girl." Nabi smirked.

"Hey guys." Both of them looked over to Kwon Jiyong. "What are you two talking about while being all secretive?" He asks.

Nabi looked at him oddly. "We're out in the open. We're literally a hundred centimeters (3ft.) away from the picnic table."

"Still. I'm just curious." Kwon Jiyong shrugged.

Joo Won rolled his eyes. "Well, if you must know, I'm getting married." He says annoyed.

Shocked, yet happy to hear the news, he nodded his head, expressionless. "That's great. I'm happy for you. When's the wedding? Are we invited?"

"We? As in you and the BigBang members?" Nabi asks with a worried expression.

"Yeah, why not?" Joo Won shruggs. "Invite who ever you want."

Nabi shook her head. "Let's go eat guys. I'm tired of talking about this wedding."

The two nodded and all three headed to the picnic table to begin eating. Kwon Jiyong's mom had already began passing plates filled with food down the line. Nabi scooted herself next to Ji Soo who ate quietly on his own as Ji Hoon sat next to him, placing random pieces of food onto Ji Soo's plate for him to eat.

Kwon Jiyong looked up from his food and eyed Nabi down. "Why aren't you eating?" He asks.

Nabi shook her head and picked up her chopsticks. "I am."

Kwon Jiyong kept a close eye on her eating, making sure she was eating properly and not looking elsewhere. Which he seemed to notice she did quite often when not tending to something important.

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