Chapter 59 - Joo Won The Businessman

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Nabi sat in the hall way with Nara in her arms. Kwon Jiyong paced the floor, continuously looking over at Nabi and Nara with worry. The three stood outside of the operating room. It's been four hours since they brought their mom to the hospital and still no word. Nothing was said of what happened either. Nabi was in the dark. So was Nara. Nara had been crying for the last two hours. Nabi couldn't let herself cry. Not in front of Nara or Kwon Jiyong.

Kwon Jiyong was worried. Nabi's eyes were read and every so often she would look up so that her tears wouldn't fall over. She was trying to be strong for Nara and he knew it. It broke his heart seeing her that way but he couldn't do anything. He couldn't hold her either because she was too busy tending to Nara. He always felt like she was soft and gentle, not thinking she was strong. Seeing her now, he thought she might be even stronger than he is.

"What happened?" Nabi looked up to see Joo Won running down the hall with his secretary following behind. "Where is mom? What happened to mom?" He asks.

Nara instantly cried and went to hug him. "I don't know."

Again, Nabi looked up to stop the tears from falling. "They wouldn't tell us anything?" Nabi says after regaining her emotional control.

Joo Won handed Nabi Nara and looked to his secretary that stood behind him. "Find Director Oh and get me updates to Yang Hyun-Ae's case."

(Director Oh is the director for the hospital that Nabi's mom is currently in and the same guy Nabi's mom went to visit, and Yang Hyun-Ae Is Nabi and Nara's mom, refer to Chapter 55)

"Yes sir." With that Joo Won's secretary ran off.

Joo Won looked over at Nabi and Nara and sighed. "I'll find out what's going on."

After waiting for a few minutes, an elder man came running down the hall with other men following behind him. Some of them were dressed in business suits and ties while others wore white lab coats. They looked well dressed and professional as they ran towards Nabi and the rest of them. When they saw Joo Won and Nabi, the group stopped before them and gave a deep bow to Joo Won. Since Joo Won's father owned this hospital along with a few others in Korea, he was well known by the doctors and other board of directors in the hospital.

"Director Oh," Nabi bowed deeply while forcing a confused Nara who didn't know who he was, to bow as well, "It's been awhile."

"Yes, you grew up well. And so did Nara-yah." He bowed.

"What's going on?" Joo Won asks the men who approached them.

Director Oh nervously looked behind him to another man wearing a business suit. Nabi guessed the man is his own secretary. He took out a large envelope from the jacket of his suit and handed it to Director Oh. Hesitantly, Director Oh handed it to Joo Won. Nabi bit her bottom lip as she watched Joo Won slip out a thin stack of papers from the envelope and scanned through it. Flipping paper after paper. His hands dropped to his side whith the papers still in his grasp. Joo Won closed his eyes tightly with a mixture of anger and sadness. He, himself is already on the verge of crying.

"Oppa. What does it say?" Nabi asks with a trembling voice.

"Why didn't anyone say anything?!" Joo Won snapped, causing his voice to echo around the almost empty hall of the hospital. "Why am I just hearing about this now?!" He yelled causing the men to all flinch as he showed his power of the CEO's son. "This paper determines whether you all lose your jobs or not!" He snapped loudly.

"Oppa!" Nabi yelled getting his attention.

Joo Won looked at Nabi who had tears brimming her eyes. She was slowly shaking her head hoping what she was thinking wasn't what was on the paper. She had an arm wrapped around Nara's shoulder as she hugged Nara into her side protectively while stroking her hair. He then looked over to Kwon Jiyong who was behind Nabi and Nara, watching the whole exchange with a confused and concerned expression. Kwon Jiyong couldn't keep his eyes away from Nabi and Nara.

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