Chapter 65 - Will

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After Nabi watched the casket slowly get dropped into the ground right next to her mom's one true love, everyone followed behind President Yang who carried a photo of Yang Hyun-Ae (Nabi's mom) as they made their way down the hill. Nabi couldn't do much to support her sister emotionally but she could be with her while they both grieved. She and Nara held hands as Nara cried as silently as possible. She felt like she was treating Nara like a child but she didn't know how else to treat her while she was grieving.

When the group reached the ground level, everyone began to give their bows and bid each other goodbye. Nabi and President Yang thanked people for attending the funeral. People began getting into their luxurious cars and driving off from the grave yard. President Yang handed Nabi the large photo of her mom and smiled.

"Don't beat yourself up for not knowing about your mother's sickness." President Yang says. "Your mom would've wanted you and your sister to be happy. There was a reason for this."

Nabi didn't know how to reply so she stuck with something simple. "Thanks uncle for helping." She bowed while holding the photo.

"We'll get going now." President Yang says.

Nabi nodded. "Goodbye guys!" She waved with a small smile.

President Yang got in and drove off with his family. Nabi looked at Nara who looked at her expectantly. Joo Won was parked further down but he was walking over to the two when Nabi's phone began ringing. As Joo Won reached the two, he began talking to Nara to help distract her by talking to her about anything so that Nabi could pick up her phone and answered it.

"Hello?" Nabi says into the phone.

"Park Nabi-ssi?" A lady's voice rang from the other side.

"Yes, this is her."

"I'm lawyer Ahn, and I wanted to see if you could meet me in my office for a moment." She says on the other line. "It's about your mother's will."

Nabi sighed tiredly. "Okay? Please text me the address." With that, she hung up the phone and looked at Joo Won and Nara. "Oppa, do you mind taking Nara for a bit?" She asked. "I have a few things to take care of before I can go home."

"Yeah sure." Joo Won says.

"I'll pick you up later Nara." Nabi says to Nara before turning to her car.

Nabi placed the large photo into the back of her car and then got into the driver's seat. She then drove off, just driving around before receiving a message for the directions to meet Lawyer Ahn. She was nervous as to what was going to be said on the will.


"Hello! It's nice to see you after so long." Lawyer Ahn says. (Lawyer Ahn was the lady Nabi's mom met before she died)

Nabi bowed deeply. "I'm sorry if I don't remember." She says coming up from the bow and sitting down.

Lawyer Ahn waved her off. "How could you? You were just a baby." She smiled. "Anyway, I'm very sorry about your mom and that I couldn't attend the funeral." Lawyer Ahn took a white envelope out of the inside of her brief case that sat next to her. "I hope this makes up for it. For the funeral of course."

Nabi smiled a small smile and nodded. "Thank you. My mom would have appreciated this." She says taking hold of the envelope and placing it inside her purse. "About the will," She started as the lawyer looked at her expectantly, "when did she write up the will?"

Lawyer Ahn sighed sadly. "I understand where you're coming from but your mom knew of her sickness and was ready to leave the world. Trust me, your mom was ready. She was at peace."

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