Chapter 38 - Dinner Time

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Nabi was nervous with Kwon Jiyong entering her house. He was nervous too but he didn't show it. His and Nabi's hands were intertwined as they entered Nabi's home. They both slipped off their shoes and entered the warmth of the house that was filled with the smell of food.

Nabi led the way to the dining room. He was surprised by how big and modern the house was compared to other houses he had passed in this town. It looked brand new and well built. Even the inside appliances were all modern. He couldn't stop looking at all the photos that hung around the house. A lot of them were of Nabi and Nara and some were of their mom. Even Joo Won was in some of the photos he had passed.

After finally arriving to the dining room where Nabi's mother was setting plates down with side dishes on them, while wearing an apron, Kwon Jiyong became more nervous. He couldn't believe he was meeting Nabi's mom. He also couldn't believe how much the two looked alike. They were almost identical, if it weren't for light wrinkles gracing the area around her mom's eyes and mouth that were noticeably present compared to Nabi's youthful face.

"You must be Kwon Jiyong." She smiles.

Kwon Jiyong approaches and bows with a hand out. "Hello, nice to finally meet you." He says in a bow.

Nabi's mom chuckles while patting his back and shaking his hand. "You're prettier than you are in magazines." She says.

"Mom." Nabi scolds.

"Nothing is wrong with being pretty. I tell Joo Won that he is pretty all the time." She says pointing to Joo Won who had already started eating.

"Thanks mom." He says in an aegyo tone with his mouth filled with food.

"Okay, let's eat." She smiles.

Kwon Jiyong sat next to Nabi at the dinner table while her mom sat at the head. Ignoring Joo Won's eating, she intertwined her hands and began to pray over her food. Thanking the Lord for the meal she was able to cook. Of course, Kwon Jiyong had his head bowed while Nabi mouth to Joo Won to stop chewing so loudly.

"Amen." She smiles. "Okay. Let us dig in."

During their meal, Nabi's mom began asking a lot of questions about Kwon Jiyong. First about work. She wanted to know what he was currently doing, what band he is in and how much members were in the band. She wanted to know what position he held and if he could sing or not. Meanwhile, Nabi could just die of embarrassment from her mom's over the top questions being spewed out.

"So how much money do you make?" Nabi's mom asks.

"Mom!" Nabi gasps out. "Don't answer that." She says looking at Kwon Jiyong. "We don't have to know that." She says turning to eye her mom.

"I hear he's one of the most riches idols in Korea." Joo Won says.

"Oppa!" Nabi scolded.

Awkwardly, Kwon Jiyong rubbed his arm. "Yeah, I would say I make quite a lot for an idol."

"I'm just trying to see if my daughter is with someone good. Of course money isn't everything, but I also need to know that you're stable in both your career life and your personal life." She said explaining her actions.

"Mom. This isn't a marriage meeting." Nabi says while covering her redden cheeks.

Kwon Jiyong smiled at Nabi. "It's alright." He then turned to her mom and nodded. "I'm working on the personal life thing. Most of my personal life consists of my work so I'm still learning how to separate the two." He says.

She nodds. "That's good to hear. I'm not going to be here forever..."

"Can you not say that?" Nabi complained in the middle of her mom's speech.

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