Bad Grammar and Flying Salmon

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I wanna start another strange story. No... I wanna start 2; Cheuro - Neuro X Cheese Puffs Fanfiction & Griffin X Candy Wrapper. ///sigh I'm a freakin' idiot m8s! Btw, half of this chapter may need translation due to Cakette's poor grammar.. So it's in parentheses - Trini

Cakette's P.O.V

Read this in a voice with no emotion. Like the female voices on GoAnimate

I em bak en de lan ove cayk. ahftur greffen baneshed meh weth hes mejecol candi rappper. I reelly nead 2 mayk shoor dat Coll terns entoo a cayk. I can nawt belleeve hee beetraed mee! Wee had sumtheng speshal! HEE 8 MI CUZIN!1! AWN WOYD'S B-DAI PRTY! I WAWNA SEEEEEE HAO HEE LIEKS ET BEENG A CAYK! Hee allwaes luhked att mai frens an femehlee wen hee wawked bai... butt i ded nawt no hee wawnted 2 eet uhs. Da Tranzfawrmashun wel b stawrten'! I em su heppeh.

(I am back in the land of cake. After Griffin banished me with his magical candy wrapper. I really need to make sure that Cole turns into a cake. I cannot believe he betrayed me! We had something speshal! he ate my cousin! On Lloyd's B-Day party! I wanna see how he likes it being a cake! He always looked at my friends and family when he walked by.... but I did not know he wanted to eat us. The transformation will be starting! I am so happy!)

Cole's P.O.V

Meanwhile, me and Ash were flying on a magical salmon behind this stranger who controlled the fish. The sky was filled with powdered sugar and onion rings. I don't get how this was possible. "Um Larry?" I asked in a calm, hoarse voice. "yES?" He looked back at me and questioned. He looked like he was dressed in a pickle costume and his teeth were crooked as Jay and Nya's current relationship.."Why are there onion rings, floating in the sky?" I asked confused, "are they supposed to mean something?"

"Look laddie, NOTHING and I mean, nOTHING, in this story makes actual sense," Larry answered.

"Wait a second," Ash spoke, "ARE YOU LARRY THE CUCUMBER?!"

"yES I AM BABY!" Larry answered psychotically. (FML)


"Once we land mate!" Larry replied as Ash kept squealing like an attention whore.

As they're talk went on, I looked at my hands. Something wasn't right... One felt softer than the other. So, I took off one of my gloves and prepared to get frightened. I looked at my hand and saw what was happening... My hand was nothing but, brown, soft, crumbs. They looked like it might of been a part of a cake. Oh no.. was the spell actually happening!?!? "LARRY!" I yelled. "HOLD ON!" Larry yelled, "We'll be descending shortLY!"

Larry then guided the giant salmon down to the plains, where the grass appeared to be made of icing..

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