Chapter 19:Decisions Set Stone

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(Jayden's POV)

"You understand that we might go within what we want." I say.

Knowing that me and May are going to the same school. I don't know about Saffe and Danny. I want them to go to the same school as us, but it's their choice.

"Yeah . . . I know. But we can make it to where we decided on one school. A school that we all have our needs in." Danny claims.

I look down knowing that he doesn't want to leave us. And we don't want to leave him. What's he's going though is worst than our situation. It's only fair that we don't leave him.

"I'm sorry . . . it's just a thought." Danny says, looking down in disappointment.

"We already chosen our schools Danny." May said coldly.

I couldn't change schools now so suddenly. Danny was going to a privet school. May and I were going to a public. But Saffe was deciding in moving to a different area. We're all going to different school, I couldn't imagine collage. And after collage . . .

My mind started to be hazy and my eye sight blurry. I couldn't think straight and I was to focused on the ground. May waved her hand in front of me and I snapped back to reality. I looked over at May and she looks worried. I shook my head and smiled. As happy I wanted to be, I couldn't. Losing something again was troublesome. I don't want to leave Danny or Saffe. I know for way to long it would be a bother if I let them go now.

"We should get going home soon. It's going to get dark." Saffe says as she cleans up.

One by one they all left. I was alone in my room as always. I didn't have any pets. I didn't even have a brother or sisters. Most of my relatives are distances from us. My cousin are not usually my age, and my family is small. Why? Mostly because my dads family refused to talk to us anymore. And now I'm stuck here alone trying to look for my father.

I twist to my side and look at the glass flower. The only thing that I liked looking at when I'm upset. My dad mailed it to me when he was away from his trip. The same day when he said he was coming home soon.

I threw my blanket over my head and felt my tears down my face. How much I wanted to find him already. Hug him, and thinking about it more mad myself burst into tears.


AN:OH NO!!! As much as I didn't want them to be apart I had to. But don't worry, there will be lost of chapters where you still see the Characters, and also who's your favorite if there is one?


Sneak peek:
"It's almost the last day of summer." Oma says sadly looking down.
"Yeah . . . It's been a while since we called Saffe and Danny." Jayden's says looking down.

"I'll call them." She says and she walks out.

Jayden lays back on Oma's bed and looks over at Lurish. She whistled to her as she sees her trying to grab Sunny. She gets a call and checks her phone.

ID:Rome Tan-was what it read. . .

-Anyways, it's a small piece of the next chapter! I won't do as much sneak peeks. But as always thanks for reading!!!(=゚ω゚)-

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