Chapter 17 - It was an accident

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It's been three days and I'm finally allowed to get out of bed. No joke, they didn't even let me shower. I tried explaining that it's only a sprained ankle but they wouldn't budge. That's Ibrahim and Nuh I'm talking about.

I get into the shower letting the past events evade my mind. Nuh has gotten a lot more closer to me, he's been taking more care with me and been more loose if you understand. He's been more chilled out basically.

I get out of the shower and go to my walk in closet, I shut the door and pick out my clothes.

I'm going back to school today so I pick out a light blue long skirt and white jumper since it's quite sunny today but still cold. I put on a few accessories and a thick scarf around my neck along with my hijab. After sorting out my bag and getting rid of the camera with a couple of other papers I take my phone and my bag with me.
I go downstairs to meet Ibrahim. He's been more shocked than ever when he found out about me and Nuh.

I smile at him and we share our breakfast.
"Zayna" I hear so I turn my head towards Nuh.
"Yeah dad"
He smiles.
"I want to drive you to school today"
I glance at Amira who's eyes cannot get any bigger.
"Sure dad, if that's what you want"
"It's not just that"
A look of confusion appears on my face.
"I want to see how you're doing in lessons"
I smile brightly.
"That would mean a lot"
He smiled back and we continue eating. Ibrahim looks lost in thought.

I know he's confused as hell, I mean before I couldn't even look at Nuh and now...

All three of us get out together, Ibrahim goes into a separate car while me and Nuh go into his.
I was about to sit in the back but he insisted I sit at the front.

"So, tell me how you are in school. Made any friends"
"Just one, she's been to our house before"
"Yeah, her name's Ashley"
"What about lessons"
"I guess I'm ok"
He smiles but doesn't say anything.

He parks his car and we both get out. Everyone stares at us as we walk together. It's an unusual sight to see since the media has been publishing our distant relationship and now we're seen together.

We enter the school and the teachers look twice as terrified. I have to admit, I didn't think Nuh was this scary to people.

He knocks once at the headteachers office and it's immediately opened.
"Mr Ali" he smiles which Nuh returns. "Come in"

We both enter and sit down.
"What brings you here?" The guy says.
"Well, I wanted to see how my daughter is doing. Whether or not she's making any progress"
"Oh she is. A very bright student is your daughter. Zayna brings our education rates higher as she excels in her exams"
"That's exceptional to hear but I would prefer to see the result sheets"

I sit there quietly as they discuss my education. A smile or two is often given my way from Nuh which I return.

"Thank you George, I'll be leaving now" Nuh stands up and I follow him out.

"Zayna, I'm very impressed with your work"
"Thanks dad"
"Which is why I've made the decision to drop you from school"
I feel my insides churn as my stomach drop.
"What" I say in shock.
"You don't need this anymore, you've already passed the exams with more than expected. I think it's time for you to get a job, heck work with me" Nuh says.
"Join you. As in, in the business"
He nods.
"This is your last week of school then I want you to join my company. Think about it, father daughter company. With our intellect we can be the top business in the world"

That's right, think big Nuh. My mind thinks sarcastically.

"But dad, don't you think it's a bit too early"
"No, look I know you're aware of your genetics. We both know your secret which is why I want you to join me. You really don't need this, you need to join me"

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