Chapter 51 - Court

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Well this chapter is long overdue.. I really feel as though the story should be moving along because there is a lot to get through. Anyways hope you enjoy this because I honestly really enjoyed making it.. vote and comment if you enjoy it too! Assalaamualaikum!!

I pace up and down in my room. It's finally time. Time to face my fears and go back into the court room. To go back and make things right. To prove myself. To gain justice. Ok now I'm sounding like a motivational speaker. Ayaan comes and walks towards me.
"Are you ok?" he asks. I nod.
"Do you want me to come?"
"No it's ok. I'll be fine"
He nods. He kisses my forehead putting me at ease.

I know usually I avoid touching him but I need to do this now. I reach out and hug him tightly burying my head in his chest. He seems shocked to say the least but soon enough he's hugging me back making me feel calmer.

"I pray everything goes fine" he says once I let go.
I nod. I've told Ayaan everything and he was very supportive actually he was a bit more than that. He was very angry when I told him that he was ready to kill Nuh himself. But after he calmed down he was very empathetic. I realised the importance he keeps in my life now. I was putting off telling him because I didn't want him to change his views on me, I want Ayaan to always think good of me and the reason... is still unknown to me.

My phone bleeps and I check to see that the car is here.
I get out to get in the car and I'm met with my lawyer Billal and Chief.
"Ready?" Billal asks me and I nod.

My nerves are everywhere, I'm shaking and scared. I really want Ayaan here, he's the only one that can put me at complete ease for some reason, Chief and Ibrahim do but it's different with him. 

Suddenly I see him but I squint my eyes a bit to make sure it's actually him. He comes towards me.
"I really wanted to be here with you" he says rubbing the back of his neck making himself look very cute. I smile gratefully.
"Thanks, I kinda wanted you here too" I mumble.
He smiles.
I take his hand and we walk inside ignoring the millions of pictures.

I walk into the room and I'm instantly reminded of the past memories. I was all alone in this room with hundreds of people against me. I was so terrified yet no one helped me. The judge took an instant hatred towards me blinded by the money Nuh gave him, the jury was very outspoken and spoke against me.
"You ok" I hear Ayaan's voice. I nod, he holds my hand and squeezes it once to reassure me.

Everyone takes a seat once the judge comes and sits down. It's the same one. I glare coldly at him and I know he's uncomfortable. Ayaan isn't with me since I'm actually being my own lawyer with the help of Billal.

The proceedings start once Nuh enters, he glares at me with disgust but I remain completely unaffected.
The judge says all the boring stuff like the case name, date and the reopening blah blah blah. I zone out until I can speak.

"We will now hear Miss Zayna Ali's argument to start off the case"
I stand up to speak.

"Ten years ago I was jailed for a number of murders and fraud however due to my young age no one took any concern towards the fact that I didn't even get a good lawyer. My own father jailed me and so he made sure that I wouldn't have any chance of winning the case therefore made sure I had a bad lawyer, no evidence to prove myself and no witnesses or representatives. I have now opened this case again because I know that I did not commit any of them crimes and was framed by my father and his wife who is legally my step-mother. My father, Nuh Ali, and his wife, Amira Ali, were committing adultery when my mother was alive and they were married. During the time of his affair with her, he was very abusive towards her and tormented her. Amira also joined in and was very violent towards her. Once Nuh wanted my mother out of the picture he along with Amira planned and executed murder to kill her. Because of my young age I was easily framed as I was innocent and had no understanding of what was going on. So I would like to tell the court what actually happened that night my mother was killed"
"Permission granted" don't remember asking for permission. Guess the judge wants to feel in control again.

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