1. Amortentia

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Amortentia was a strange potion. Sometimes it spelled like your favorite season, sometimes it spelled like your favorite food, and sometimes it smelled like a person. A person you never expected your amortentia to smell like.


The four Mauraders paced down the hallway as they walked to their potions class. They didn't walk fast, even when the bell and rung. Well, Remus actually did. The werewolf started running once the bell rung since he didn't like being late, but James, Sirius, and Peter kept their slow walk, not caring if they got detention.

In the class they were making a potion they never made before: Amortentia. Everyone was excited, since they were all curious as to what their amortentia might smell like.

"Today, we are making a potion called amortentia. This is a love potion, considered by many as the strongest love potion. Whatever you smell is what you love most," Proffesor Slughorn explained while pacing the classroom. Everyone got out their cauldrons and ingredients and began making the potion while reading the instructions.

Finally, after majority of the class, mostly everyone finished the advanced potion. Slughorn went around the room and asked everyone want they smelled.

When Remus smelt the potion, it smelled very familiar and wonderful. He smelled wet dog fur (a smell most would consider unpleasant) and the smell of a new book. He didn't realize what he smelled until he said it aloud.

"Er, I smell dog fur and books," Remus said before putting a hand over his mouth. Only few people in the class would understand why he smelled dog fur. One of the things he loved most was his best friend, Sirius Black.

Then it was Sirius' turn to speak, who sat next to him. Remus looked down at his feet to hide his blush.

Sirius had smelt the sweet buttery scent of butterbeer, the scent of a wild wolf, and the bitter scent of cinnamon. He inhaled deeply before speaking.

"I smell..... butterbeer, a wolf, and cinnamon," He said quickly, trying to make the 'wolf' inaudible. But Remus had heard him since they sat next to each other.

Remus looked up at Sirius who was blushing a dark scarlet. They stared at each other for a while, and underneath the table the secretly held each other's hand. Both boys tried to hide their blushes from the raised eyebrows of all of their friends.

That night they have each other secret kisses in the common room and boys dorm.


So this is a new Wolfstar fanfic, yay!!!! Each chapter will be called something that starts with that letter. Like A: Amortentia. See? Okay. Well please vote and stuff and yea. I think this will be written very quickly tbh.

A Wolfstar AlphabetWhere stories live. Discover now