6. Food Fights

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If there was one thing everyone knew, it was that Sirius Black liked to cause trouble, in any way or form. So one day when the four Mauraders were eating breakfast in the great hall, Sirius wanted to cause trouble. He caused said trouble by throwing a bit of scramble eggs at James and Remus.

"Oi!" James hollered while wiping the food off his face. He threw some eggs back at Sirius. Soon enough they were in a full on food fight.

"Guys! Come on," Remus cried while ducking underneath the table. He loved Sirius, but sometimes that boy is stupid.

Remus was going to stay underneath the table, if Sirius didn't duck down and throw some bacon at Remus. Such a waste of good food. Having enough, Remus grabbed some oatmeal and launched it at Sirius' face.

Soon Ms. McGonagoll came to yell at the boys for causing a disruption and gave them detentions for two weeks. During said detentions, Sirius and Remus passionately kissed, enjoying the time together.

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