23. Wait what

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"Remus, can you er- help me with my notes? In the dorm room? Please?" Sirius asked Remus who smirked and nodded. With that the two boys left to their shared dorm with the others.

"What do you think is going with those two?" James Potter asked his friends and classmates around him, Peter, Lily, Marlene, and Alice.

"I dunno," Peter said shrugging.

"Now that I think about it is a bit strange. I mean, we're all doing our homework down here, why couldn't they just do it here?" Lily said aloud as everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Yea, I mean, what could they be doing that they couldn't do in front of us and needed to lie about?" Marlene asked.

Alice smirked. She was pretty sure she knew what they were doing. She walked in on them playing footsie and snuggling on the couch a few days ago. She only hoped what they were doing was as innocent as that.

"Why are you smirking? Alice do you know?!" James said startling everyone.

"O-of course not," Alice lied with an innocent smile. It certainly wasn't her place to tell them about Remus and Sirius.

"Fine, lets go up there and see for ourselves," James said getting up from his seat along with everyone else.

'Uh oh, I hope they really are doing something innocent,' Alice thought. If everyone walked in on them snogging, she can only imagine their embarrassment.

"Won't give them time to lie or pretend to be doing something else," Lily said as Marlene agreed.

"Follow me then," James said as everyone followed him. Alice went last since she was pretty sure her innocent eyes didn't need to see anything.

James put his hand on the door and pushed it open. As Alice suspected, Sirius had his face against Remus'. Sirius also had Remus pinned against the wall. Their lips were entwined. At least it wasn't has bad as Alice imagined, she thought there'd be way less clothing.

"Wait what," James said as Remus and Sirius sprang apart.

"Oh yea- haha- you see, the thing is-" Sirius struggled for words.

"We're a couple," Remus said for him.

"Wait what. Since when?" James asked confusedly. He didn't seem as disturbed as everyone else to see his two bestfriends making out.

"I knew it! You owe me ten galleons, James!" Peter said as he cheered silently.

"Wait what," Sirius said.


A/N: Do you guys have any ideas for Z? I already know X & Y, but I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT TO DO FOR Z! So pleaseeeeeee leave suggestions or like words that start with Z.

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