22. Valentine's Day Date

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"But what do I wear?!" Remus asked desperately to Lily, who agreed to hell him before his date.

"Well, did Sirius say it was formal?" Lily asked.

"No, he simply said look nice and meet him at the Black Lake at 7," Remus said flailing his arms.

"Well, then you should wear this," Lily said as she tossed him a bundle of clothes. Remus sighed before going to the bathroom to change. He came out wearing black jeans, a green button up shirt, and dark shoes.

"Do I look alright?" Remus asked nervously.

"Remus, you look fine, now go, before you're late!" Lily said as she pushed the boy out and on his way.

~ Meanwhile ~

"Marlene, are you sure this was a good idea?" Sirius asked, suddenly nervous about the entire plan.

"Yes, you oaf, now stop being nervous!" Marlene said as she placed a hand on her hip.

"Fine, fine. Thanks for helping me set this whole thing together," Sirius said surprisingly humble for him.

"No problem, I am amazing after all," Marlene said with a hair flip.

"Mhm, whatever makes you sleep at night," Sirius said with an eye roll as Remus appeared just on time.

"Ah, enjoy what you see, love?" Sirius asked as he gestured to the picnic he layed out for them.

"Of course, darling," Remus said grinning.

"I believe our work here is done," Marlene said as she and Lily left to go to their own dates, Lily had a secret dinner with Marlene, and Marlene was going to some secret spot with her girlfriend.

"Sirius, this is wonderful," Remus said smiling.

"Of course it is, I did set it up after all," Sirius said as he kissed him boyfriend lightly.

"I see your ego hasn't changed," Remus said with an eye roll. Lily and Remus could often relate to having such arrogant boyfriends.

"No, it indeed hasn't, now start eating before the bugs eat it first!" Sirius said as he and Remus began their Valentine's picnic date.

"Of course," Remus said as he took a sip of butterbeer.

The two of them spent the afternoon sitting, eating, talking, and listening to some muggle music Lily found for them. The night was gorgeous, the food was delicious, the conversation was light and joyful. Everything was perfect.


I reallyyyyy wanted to have a Oneshot with Marlene as a lesbian (because lesbians rule), Marlene/Sirius platonically, and Lily/Remus as good friends, so I added all three to this. Whoops.

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