19. Singing In The Shower

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Remus sat on his bed as he did his assigned essay for Transfigurations. Suddenly he heard a voice singing, coming from the shower that sounded familiar. The voice sang well, scratch that, the voice sang amazingly great.

Then the figure known as Sirius Black emerged from the bathroom, in jeans and a t-shirt (he must have changed in the bathroom), humming before he noticed Remus. Remus say there with wide eyebrows as he watched the other boy.

"Was the one and only Sirius Black singing in the shower?" Remus asked with a raised eyebrow.

"W-what, no, why would you say that?" Sirius said nervously as Remus laughed.

"It's fine, I really like your singing anyway," Remus said as he planted a light kiss on the other boy's cheek.

"You did?" Sirius asked.

"Yea, you sound like an angel or something," Remus said as Sirius sat next to him on his bed.

"Yea right," Sirius said snorting as if the idea was insane.

"It's true, you should sing more. One day you'll sing aloud, and everyone will drop dead from your voice," Remus said cuddling next to him.

"Sounds fun," Sirius joked as Remus leaned his head against him.

"How about you sing now?" Remus asked.

"Erg, fine. What song?" Sirius asked since he was a sucker for anything Remus asked.

"I don't know, anything I guess," Remus said as Sirius began singing lightly. His boyfriend smiled and curled up to him. Remus liked his singing, it calmed his nerves about the upcoming full moon soon.

"You... sound.... great...." Remus said sleepily before falling asleep next to his boyfriend.

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