5. Engagements

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The boy with long dark hair got down on one knee. His hair was blacker than midnight, his mishevious smile that came with so much ease was spread over his face. He pulled out a small box that was dark blue. Inside was a ring.

The boy faced his boyfriend of three years. His boyfriend had sandy brown hair that was knotty and somewhat combed. He had a smile, a big toothy grin that didn't come as easily, all over his face.

"Remus Lupin, you are the love of my life. We've been dating for three years, and been best friends much longer. You're my everything, and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" The boy with dark hair said, addressing the boy with sandy hair.

"Yes, yes a thousand times," The boy with sandy hair replied before hugging his recently engaged husband.

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