24. Xenia Flowers

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"Er, can I buy flowers?" Sirius asked awkwardly

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"Er, can I buy flowers?" Sirius asked awkwardly. The cashier smiled. Sirius decided to buy Remus a few surprise flowers since he was feeling sad.

"Sure, what kind?" The lady asked politely.

"The most bright and colorful ones," Sirius said as he looked around the shop. It was small and covered with a variety of flowers ranging from colors and shapes.

"How about these?" The lady asked. She held up a bouquet that had bright red, pink, purple flowers.

"Perfect! How much?" Sirius asked cheerfully as he took out some muggle money he exchanged at Gringott's.

"Five pounds," She said smiling.

"Here you go, thanks." Sirius said taking the flowers that were now wrapped in a white wax paper.

"Your welcome dear, she must be a special girl," She said winking. Sirius nearly fell.

"Um, yea, he's a special boy." Sirius said as he left the shop.

On his way home Sirius also decided to make tea for him before surprising Remus.

"Remus, can you come down here for a second?" Sirius called as he put the flowers next to the freshly brewed cup of tea.

"Yea?" Remus asked as his eyes widened when he saw the flowers.

"What-? Why-?" Remus began asking but Sirius shut him up with a kiss.

"You were sad these past few of days, and I wanted to cheer you up!" Sirius said smiling as he looked at Remus.

"Sirius, you're way kinder than people think you are. I can't believe you did this all for me," Remus said as he hugged Sirius.

"Of course I would do this for you, and you would do the same thing for me. It's what boyfriends do," Sirius said grinning.

"Well, your plan worked. You did cheer me up," Remus said smiling as he sat next to Sirius on their couch, drinking tea, and listening to a story Sirius began to tell.

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