2. Butterflies in My Stomach

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You know that feeling you get when you stomach feels like it's twisting and turning and you want to vomit? Usually occurs when you look at your crush? That's exactly what I feel when I look at Sirius Black.

My name is Remus Lupin. I'm sixteen and bolted shut in the closest. Most importantly I'm in love with my bestfriend, Sirius Black. And I've been in love with him since third year.

One day while we were walking down Hogwart's corridor, I got the feeling in my stomach to the extreme. It started by me walking alone to Transfiguration class. I was carrying all my books for some reason, I can't seem to remember why now, but I was. And of course me being me, I tripped. My books flew out of my hands and I hit my nose against the cold floor.

"That wasn't pleasant," I mutter as I realize my nose is bleeding. I try wiping away the blood but end up just getting blood on my hand. If I find my wand I can fix this. I go to grab my wand as something stops me. Actually it was a someone.

"Are you alright mate?" The boy with long dark hair called Sirius Black asked me. I nodded as he fixed my blood nose with his wand.

"Thanks," I say as he helps me pick up my books. We're late to class but I don't really care. All I care about if the boy beside me.

Sirius and I reach for a book at the same time as our fingers brush, therefore making my stomach twist and turn. I almost puked right then and there.

But, instead of moving my hand away, I left it there for some strange reason. And so did Sirius. Slowly he moved his hand over mine so he was holding hand. My cheeks were as red as a tomato at this point.

Soon enough we were fully holding hands in the empty hallway. My skin was electrified where his hand held mine. My heart was pounding at the thought of this boy. And the butterflies in my stomach wouldn't leave me alone.

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