20. The Dance

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Disclaimer- Song belongs to bby Troye

Sirius has been waiting for this day for a very long time. It was Halloween, and Hogwarts was having a dance to celebrate. It shocked everyone at first, Hogwarts didn't have many social events, but everyone soon got excited.

Once Sirius heard of this, he immediately began planning. He knew this would be a perfect chance to proclaim his love (and embarrass himself) to Remus infront of everyone in the school. Go big or go home, this is most definently big.

Sirius told James that he was gay and in love with Remus, so the other boy can help him with his plans. He also asked Lily to help, since if it was only James and himself, the plan would most likely fail. Remus was the brains of the operation after all.

"Okay, you can do this," I tell myself as I make sure I look fine in the mirror.

I leave the dorms and go to the Great Hall that has been cleared for the occasion. Nervously biting his nails, Sirius entered the Great Hall and scanned the room with his eyes.

"Ready?" James asked him as he nodded nervously. James and Lily then left to start.

"James Potter and Lily Evans have requested to sing a song," Dumbledore said into a muggle microphone before letting James and Lily begin.

"This one is meant for the moon and the stars," James said while smirking at me. From beside me I saw Remus slightly blushing already.

"May I have this dance?" I asked Remus smiling. Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes.

"Of course," Remus said smiling.

"What if-What if we ran away? What if- What if we left today? What if we said goodbye to safe and sound? What if- What if we're hard to find. What if- What if we lost our minds?" James and Lily sang beautifully together as I danced with Remus.

We danced for the rest of the song, surprisingly not stepping on each other's feet. Right before the end of the song I surprised both myself and Remus and planted my lips on his. What surprised me even more was he kissed me back.

Halloween was a good night.


Yes, I made it on Halloween, so their happiest and saddest memories will be on the same day. Yes, I made myself cry by doing that.

Also ik that Youth would have obviously not have been around in the 1970's but OH WELL TROYE SLAYS.

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