12. Lucky

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'I'm so blood lucky,' I thought to myself as I leaned against Remus. He was mine, my boyfriend, my bestfriend, my werewolf, and so much more. I loved him so much.

It was crazy to me how he liked me back, I was broken. Being disowned and constantly teased can do that to someone. It was mostly why I tried to take my pain out on others, but luckily Remus found a way to stop me.

Remus was broken too, perhaps that's why we worked so well with each other. We were broken apart, but whole together. It was like he filled a missing gap in me that I didn't notice wasn't there until I had it. It crazy how much I loved him, it was like it was impossible to love someone this much.

"I love you," I said nuzzling my head against the taller boy's shoulder.

"I love you too," Remus said simply as we brought me closer.

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